18. Waveform file management tools

This section describes the programs used for modifying and checking waveform files. The most important features are to add or subtract channels and modify headers and convert format.. A special program in this group is GET_WAV which checks data bases for availability of waveform files. New from version 7.1 is that SEISAN also can handle other waveform formats, however not all programs can work with all formats. This will be indicated with each program.

The most important program is WAVETOOL which can convert to and from many formats, do instrument corrections and extract data from continous data bases (SEISAM and archive type) and large MSEED volumes. Another important program is WAVFIX which can correct binar waveform files ( SEISAN or MSEED formats) for many parameters.

The following programs are available:

APPEND: Append two or more waveform files following each other in time
AUTOREG: Automatically register events
CONGAP: Check completeness of continuous waveform database
CONNOI and EVANOI: Compute noise power spectral density and evaluate out to produce plots
DATABASE2MSEED: Convert waveform data to miniseed based on parametric database
GET_WAV: Check for available waveform files
GET_ARC: Extract wav files from archive and register in S-file
GET_ARC_CHANNELS: Get a list of all channels in an archive
MSCUT: Cuts MiniSEED files into 1 hr or shorter files
RDSEED_MANY: Simple way to chop up a seed volume
SEIASC: Convert SEISAN waveform files between ASCII and binary form
SEICUT: Extract an interval of a waveform file
SEIDEL: Splitting up a SEISAN waveform file in 2
SEISEI: Split and merge SEISAN, GSE, SAC and MiniSEED waveform files
P_ALIGN: Time shifting waveform data to align P or S-phase arrival times
WAVETOOL: Extract waveform data
WAVFIX: Fix waveform file header time correction, make standard file names, change headers etc.
WAV_ADD Add wavform filenames to S-files.
WAVFULLNAME Print full file name including path for waveform file.
