7.1.19 HYP output

Output from the program is a CAT-file (hyp.out) and the original HYPOCENTER print file (print.out) with more detailed information. The hyp.out file can be plotted directly using EPIMAP or MAP. In addition, there is also the HYPO71 style summary file, hypsum.out. NOTE: In print.out and hypsum.out, year is only given with 2 digits. Magnitude in hypsum.out and print.out are only coda magnitude and will be different from same magnitude in hyp.out if a magnitude correction has been used.

When HYP is executed from EEV, the print.out file has no station listing. In all other cases, there is a station listing.

Magnitudes are also listed in file hypmag.out with a similat output as seen on the screen. The file can be used by other programs to make other kind of analysis. In EEV, the file is used to plot magnitude Ml as a function of distance with command PML.


Some explanation is given below, for details see HYP manual

The output in print.out first shows the content of the TEST parameters in the STATION0.HYP file. After that comes some routine output from the starting location algorithm. Then follows the output from the iterations, which should be self-explanatory. The location is then given on one line containing origin time, latitude longitude (deg min), depth, number of phases, the number of degrees of freedom in the spatial solution (maximum 3), rms damping and errors, error estimates, resolution matrix. Last are the station lines with the following abbreviations:

stn  : Station 
dist : Distance in km 
azm  : Azimuth at the source  
ain  : Angle of incidence at the source 
phs  : Phase specified by user
calcphs: Phase used by program
w    : Input weight 
hrmn : Hour minute 
t-sec: Arrival time sec 
t-obs: Observed travel time 
t-cal: Calculated travel time 
res  : Residual 
wt   : Weight usedi by program, normalized to 1.0
di   : importance of phase in %
     : network and locaiton, no header

An example of output on screen is given below

  date hrmn   sec      lat      long depth   no m    rms  damp erln erlt erdp
16 1 1  029  9.85 6749.40N  20 21.0E  15.0    8 3   0.53 0.000 54.9 42.6118.6
 stn   dist   azm  ain w phas    calcphs hrmn tsec  t-obs  t-cal    res   wt di
 KIF    137   7.6 55.1 0 P       PN4      029 29.9  20.05  21.06  -1.01 1.00 16
 KIF    137   7.6        BAZ                        169.2  188.0 -18.82 0.20  9
 KIF    137   7.6 55.1 0 S       SN4      029 46.4  36.55  36.64  -0.09 1.00 29
 HEF    152  63.2 55.1 0 P       PN4      029 32.5  22.61  22.93  -0.32 1.00 12
 KTK1   178  40.5 55.1 0 P       PN4      029 36.2  26.36  26.07   0.29 1.00  4
 STEI   215 275.5 55.1 0 P       PN4      029 40.3  30.50  30.66  -0.16 1.00 10
 FAUS   221 259.5 55.1 0 P       PN4      029 40.9  31.09  31.38  -0.30 1.00 16
 ARA0   283  45.3 55.1 0 P       PN4      029 50.6  40.75  39.16   1.59 1.00  4

 KTK1 HZ   hdist:     178.6   amp:           2.5 T:   0.2   ml =   0.9
 ARA0 HZ   hdist:     283.4   amp:           2.2 T:   0.8   ml =   1.2
 2016  1 1 0029  9.9 L  67.823  20.349 15.0  RRR  6 0.5 1.0LRRR
 OLD:  1 1 0029  8.6 L  67.854  20.249  0.0  BER  6 0.6 1.0LBER

In case of Nordic2 format, it would  be

  date hrmn   sec      lat      long depth   no m    rms  damp erln erlt erdp
16 1 1  029  9.60 6747.52N  20 25.9E  15.0    8 3   0.59 0.000 45.2 20.4 95.9
 stn   dist   azm  ain w phas    calcphs hrmn tsec  t-obs  t-cal    res   wt di
 KIF    140   6.1 55.1 0 P       PN4      029 29.9  20.30  21.44  -1.14 1.00 29 FI00
 KIF    140   6.1        BAZ-P                      169.2  186.4 -17.22 0.20  5 FI00
 KIF    140   6.1 55.1 0 S       SN4      029 46.4  36.80  37.30  -0.50 1.00 26 FI00
 HEF    151  61.5 55.1 0 P       PN4      029 32.5  22.86  22.74   0.11 1.00  9 FI00
 KTK1   178  39.0 55.1 0 P       PN4      029 36.2  26.61  26.13   0.48 1.00  4 NS00
 STEI   219 276.4 55.1 0 P       PN4      029 40.3  30.75  31.13  -0.39 1.00 10 NS00
 FAUS   224 260.6 55.1 0 P       PN4      029 40.9  31.34  31.73  -0.40 1.00 12 NS00
 ARA0   283  44.3 55.1 0 P       PN4      029 50.6  41.00  39.16   1.84 1.00  5 NO00

 KTK1 HZ   hdist:     178.6   amp:           2.5 T:   0.2   ml =   0.9
 ARA0 HZ   hdist:     283.4   amp:           2.2 T:   0.8   ml =   1.2
 2016  1 1 0029  9.6 L  67.792  20.432 15.0  RRR  6 0.6 1.0LRRR
 OLD:  1 1  029  8.6 L  67.854  20.249 0.00  BER  6 .60 1.0LBER

BAZ means there is a back azimut for station KIF. For the Nordic2 format, it is shown that the BAZ is on the P. In addion, KIF has NTLO shown at the end of the line. At the end of listin is shown the original data (OLD) and the new hypocenter so it is easy to compare the effect of changing someting. In the print.out file there are details of the difference between the two hypocenters.

A station weight wt=-1 means that the phase travel time could not be calculated. The output phases can be e.g. PN2, where 2 means that the phase calculated has been refracted in layer 2 and PN5 refracted in layer 5. The input phase is then just P and a local model is used.

To get a statistics of which phases the program has used, run the program HYP_COUNT_PHASES. It uses the print.out file to count all types of local phases like PG, PN2 etc. For an example see, section "Inversion of travel time..."

Any change in the input phase ID is signified by an asterisk (*) before the phase ID.

If amplitudes are available, Ml, Mb. Mw or Ms will be calculated, and all stations calculating Ml, Mb, Mw or MS will additionally be displayed at the end of the interactive printout.

Change of day:

If the origin time of the located event occur on the day before the time in the header line, the time in the header line is changed to the previous day and all phase arrivals are changed accordingly. This means that some hour values will be more than 23 since phase arrival times refer to the main header.

Seismic moments etc: After locating an event, HYP will check if there is spectral information (Moment etc, see MULPLT) available in the S-file and average values will be calculated and written into the output file.