7.1.18 RESET TEST parameters

HYP will assign reasonable default values for RESET TEST parameter. Below is shown a summary. For full details see HYP manual. The number to the left is the control parameter and D indicates the default value. The most important parameter are given in bold.

2: Step length damping control, D: 500.0.
7-9: Duration magnitude coefficients used for calculating the coda magnitude, as MAG = TEST(7) + TEST(8) * LOG(T) + TEST(9) * DELTA where T is the coda length in seconds, DELTA is the hypocentral distance in km. D: 7: -0.87, 8: 2.0, 9: 0.0035 (Lee et al., 1972) If test(8) is negative, its positive value will be used and log(T) will be squared. Note however, that the individual stations magnitude values printed out during the run of HYP still will be using the unsquared log(T).
11: Maximum no of iterations in the least-squares rms minimization, D: 99.0
13: Increment in km for auxiliary rms, D: 20.0 km. To disable (save some computation time), set to 0.0.
30: Initial damping factor, D: 0.005
31: Max degs of freedom: Set to 3 for determining origin time and hypocenter, set to 2 for fixed depth solution (depth on phase headers), -2 fix all events to starting depth in STATION0.HYP, 1 to fix all hypocenters to value on phase headers, 0 to fix hypocenters and origin times to values on phase headers. D:3.0
32: Magnitude of parameter changes (km) below which convergence is assumed, D: 0.05
34: Minimum spread to normalize residuals, D: 0.1, do not change
35: Bisquare weighting width, D: 4.685, do not change
36: RMS residual low limit for bisquare weighting for local events, D: 0.0
37: Maximum number of increases in damping before fixing depth, D: 10.0
38: Least squares errors (0.0), damped least squares errors (1.0) with initial test(30) damping value, D: 0.0
39: Factor by which damping is increased when RMS increases, D: 4.0
40: Depth origin of coordinate system, 0: sea level, 1:maximum elevation station in station list, D: 0.0
41: Maximum distance (km) from nearest station at which hypocentral solutions will be generated, D: 20000.
43: Maximum rms for an event to be used in average station residual calculation - doesn't affect the final hypocenter solution, D:1.5
44: Rg phase velocity in km/sec, D: 3.0
45: Minimum rms difference between the location on the header line and the new location for the event to be used for average difference in location, D: 50.0
46: Minimum number of non zereo weight phases for event ot be included in average difference in location, D: 3.0
47: Prevent depth to go below Moho and Conrad for n and b phases respectively, 1: enabled, 0: disabled, D: 0.0
49: T-phase velocity, D: 1.48 km/sec
50: Flag for using azimuth phases, 0 disables. Disabling the azimuths also means that they are not used for a starting location. A better solution will often be to set the azimuth error, TEST(52) to a large value, effectively disabling them.D: 1.0 (enabled).
51: Lg phase velocity in km/sec, D: 3.5.
52: Relative weighting of error in azimuth used in azimuth inversion (degrees). The default value of 10 means that an error of 10 degrees will give the same contribution to the rms residual as a travel time error of 1 sec, D: 5.0
53: Critical distance phases moved to by start loc. if Pn or Sn, D: 130.0 km
56: A value of 1.0 enables the starting location algorithm, STARTLOC. Estimates are then obtained from apparent velocity, distance, azimuths, etc. If test(56)=0.0 epicenter is found uding grid search near nearest station if local and regional event and in a glocal grid if distant event. If test(56)=2.0, both grid search and STARTLOC is used. 0.2 km from the first arrival station. D: 1.0 MUST BE SET TO 1.0 TO LOCATE WITH ONE STATION ONLY.
57: Distance (geocentric km) beyond which IASPEI91 tables are used to calculate travel times for regional events. Can be overridden by the distance letter L in the Nordic format. D: 1500 km
58: Maximum apparent velocity (km/sec) for phase data to be used. This option was added to selectively disable some of the PKP phases, which have large errors due to their steep angle of incidence. Their velocities were almost always > 25 km/s, D: 100.0 (effectively disabled)
59: Critical distance for PKP core phases to be used in starting location, D: 13000 km
60: Seconds by which the arrival time difference between two adjacent stations can exceed the travel time between them. Setting this to 0 disables the initial consistency check. D: 5.0
61: Multiple of apparent velocity regression residual rms at which arrival times are weighted to zero during start location determination. Reducing this value will cause arrivals to be rejected when they do not conform to the plane wave set of arrivals which is characteristic of distant events. Unless you are getting a lot of messages ' xxx removed: Apparent velocity deviation =..', in the output, it is recommend against changing this default value. However, you can disable this feature by setting test(61)=0.0, D: 2.0
62: Use of IASP91 phases.0: Only calculate `basic' phases, 1: calculate all, D: 1.0
63: Types of phases used when calculating travel times and their derivatives and resulting residuals and rms. The default value of 0 means that all 8 letters of the phase ID are matched. However, first arrivals are used before and after the critical distance for N and G phases, respectively.

0: match 4 char. phase ID in phase, 2nd letter is case insensitive

1 use minimum time for 1st letter phase

2 use refracted 'n' phases, set other phases weighted to 0

3 use surface 'g' phases

4 use Conrad 'b' phases

5 use only minimum time P, Pn, Pg and pP phases no PKP's, all other phases weighted to 0

D: 0.0

64: Allow temporary increase in RMS by this factor, D: 2.0
65: Number of iterations for which increased rms is allowed, D: 3.0
66: Print out of travel time calculation errors (1=y,0=n), D: 0.0
67: Recognize blank phases as P (y=1,n=0), D: 0.0
68: Apparent P-velocity(km/sec) to calculate start depth from pP-P, D: 5.0
69: Distance (deg) beyond which PKiKP or PKP is used as first arrival instead of Pdif D: 110.0
70: Maximum depth that the hypocenter is allowed to move to, D: 700 km
71: Sort output according to distance,(y=1,n=0), D: 1.0
72: Auto phase identification for distant events (y=1,n=0), D: 0.0
73: Number of iterations with first P's before autophase id., D: 3.0
74: Print input phase data in print.out (y=1,n=0), 0.0
75-78 Ml magnitude coefficients. Ml = TEST(75)*log10(amp) + TEST(76)*log10(dist) + TEST(77)*dist + TEST(78) where amp is amplitude in nm and dist hypocentral distance in km. The defaults are Ml = 1.0 * log10(amp) + 1.11*log10(dist) + 0.00189*dist - 2.09 which is close to the original Richter definition (Hutton and Boore, 1987).
79: Minimum number of stations to attempt a solution,D: 1.0
80: Minimum number of phases (azimuth is counted as a phase) to attempt a solution, D: 3.0
81: Disable location of local events if 0.0, D: 1.0
82: Disable location of regional events if 0.0, D: 1.0
83: Disable location of distant events if 0.0, D: 1.0
84: Disable ellipticity correction for distant events if 0.0, D: 1.0
85: A priori error(sec) of local events. This affects the error estimates, particularly when few stations are present. D: 0.1. See TEST(91) for distant eqrtquakes.
86: Number of degrees of freedom in estimating test(85) for loc. ev., D: 8.0
87: Confidence level that the solution will lie outside the confidence ellipse defined by the covariance matrix . The default value corresponds to 90 %confidence., D: 0.1
88: RMS residual(sec) at which residual weighting is applied for distant events. Set to 0.0 to disable. D: 10000.0
89: Use depth phases (y=1,n=0), D: 1.0
90: Use of core phases (y=1,n=0), D: 1.0
91: Same as TEST(85) for distant events,D 1.0
92: Number of degrees of freedom for test(91), D: 8.0
93: Output longitude to always be positive (y=1,n=0), 0.0
94: Value of residual below which zero weight phases (w=4) is used again, D. 0.0
95: Disable use of core phases between 135 and 150 deg, 1: disabled, 0: enabled, D: 0.0
96: Variation of depth to find minimum rms. The rms is calculated in 20 points from a depth of TEST(96) to zero depth and the depth with lowes rms is used as start depth. Largen than 0 enabled„ 0: disabled, D: 0.0
97: Minute error correction 1: enabled, 0: disabled, D: 0.0
98: Enable spherical harmonic station corrections, 1: enabled, 0: disabled, D:0.0
99-101: Lg, Rg and T weights put in permanently: D: 1.0,1.0,0.0
99: Lg phase weight: multiplied by phase weight. D: 1.0
100 Rg phase weight: multiplied by phase weight. D: 1.0
101 T phase weight: multiplied by phase weight. D: 0.0
102 Not used
103: Minimum number of depth phases for starting depth, D: 1.0
104: Minimum distance of epicenter from array for distant events, D: 30.0 deg.
105: Enable gradient model, not yet implemented
106: Only calculate magnitudes and update spectral values, 1: enabled, 0: disabled, D: 0.0
107: Use xnear and xfar from sfile, 0: disabled (xnear and xfar from STATION0.HYP file), 1 enabled, D:0.0 (see format description)
108: mb attenuation curve, 0.0 Richter, 1.0 Veith and Clawson, D: 0.0
109 In reject mode, if residual is larger than this, it is weighted out. D: 0.8
110 In reject mode, in final run, phases with residual larger this and automatic, are removed. D: 3.0.
111 In reject mode, if several phases from same station, only keep the one with lowest residual if test is 1.0. D: 1.0
112 In reject mode, set this to 1.0 ito enable testing for Sg when rejecting phases, default 0.0.
113 Shortest distance for calculating mb and Mb. D: 2224 km (20 deg)
114 Shortest distance for calculating Ms. D: 2224 km (20 deg)
115 Maximum depth for calculating Ms and MS. D: 60.0 km
116 Average magnitude is simple average (0.0) or median (1.0) D: 0.0
117 Use Mw (mb(Pn/Sn)) magnitude instead or ML if events are in defined areas D: 0.0
118 Decides if a local minimum in the epicenter should be searched for after iterations ends. If an RMS with lower rms than the iterated solution is found, new iterations will be done with that solution as a starting epicenter. If zero, grid search is not done, if positive number grid search is done with that number used as grid size (km).i D. 0.0
119 The number of gridpoints in one quadrant so the grid will be +/-test(119) on each side. D: 10.0
120 Decides if depth grid search for a local minimum like test 118. test 118 and 120 can be combined. The value is the size of the depth step (km). D: 0.0 no grid search.
121 The number of steps in depth grid search. D: 10
122-123 Additional parameters for Ml scale that change calculation for short distance. Ml = TEST(75)*log10(amp) + TEST(76)*log10(dist) + TEST(77)*dist + TEST(122)*exp(-TEST(123)*dist) + TEST(78). D:0.0 and 0.0
124 Put in geographical information after a location, 1.0 to enable. D: 0.0

The test parameter defaults are set in file hyposub1.for in LIB.