1.4 Information about SEISAN online

SEISAN homepage

The URL address where SEISAN and related software can be found is:

Here you can find information on the latest changes in SEISAN, access the online manual, download the software and much more.

SEISAN download server

Seisan is available from the following web server:


SEISAN mailing lists

There is a mailing list, which is set-up to improve the exchange of information and questions on SEISAN. We strongly recommend that all users subscribe to the SEISAN list. The list is:

[email protected]

The purpose of the list is:

To subscribe to the list, send an email to [email protected] or to [email protected] with subject/body subscribe.

Subscription can also be done online via http://mailman.uib.no/listinfo/seisan. As a member of the list, it is possible to look through the archive (since 2008) for questions and answers on SEISAN. Anyone is welcome to reply to questions and a response to a question should be send to the complete mailing list.