Station input is given in near standard HYPO71 format in the file STATION0.HYP in directory DAT. If however the user wants to try a different model without changing the standard model in DAT, this is possible by having a STATION0.HYP file in the working directory, since the program always looks there first for the STATION0.HYP file (see example at end of this section). Another possibility is to use another model for just one event by setting a flag in the phase input file, see below.
The station file included with SEISAN usually includes the complete ISC station
list. The ISC station list can be downloaded from ISC
and converted to SEISAN format with program ISCSTA in order
to make updates.
To update the station list from ISC, open the ISC webpage Http://
in a browser, open the link to the c̈omplete liständ copy and paste the list
into a file (wthout the html code), run ISCSTA on this file.
also select out of the large station file (in ISC or SEISAN format) all strations
corresponding to events in a CAT file so it is possible to make a much smaller station
file for the users data.
Below is an example of a STATION0.HYP file. The format is close to the HYPO71 format with one extra line at the bottom. In addion, 5 letter station codes can be used. The test parameters 2-13 are as in HYPO71, see also HYPOCENTER manual section 4.1.2.
Comments are given after !'s
RESET TEST(01)=0.3 RESET TEST(03)=0.6 RESET TEST(06)=0.1 RESET TEST(07)= 3.0 RESET TEST(08)=2.6 RESET TEST(09)=0.001 RESET TEST(11)=50.0 RESET TEST(13)=5.0 RESET TEST(50)=1.0 ! one and only one blank line here UPP 5951.50N 1737.60E 14 ! station lines COP 5541.00N 1226.00E 13 KBS 7855.08N 1155.44E 46 EBH 5614890N 330490W 375 ! high accuracy lat-lon OSG 6029.80N 252.55E-100 01A06049.43N 1049.95E 426 BERGE6057.12N 1133.15E 100 ! 5 char station name -BEBGE6157.12N 1133.15E1100 ! 5 char station name and at 1100 m depth ... ! one and only one blank line here 6.2 0.0 ! ! model lines 6.6 12.0 7.1 23.0 3.8 2.2 200.0 300.0 ** 8.05 31.0 N ! N indicates location of Moho 8.25 50.0 8.5 80.0 ! 15. 600. 1300. 1.73 5 5.0 10.0 ! control parameters BER ! Reporting agency (a3)
Format of the station line is 2x,a4,i2,f5.3,a1,i3,f5.3,a1,i4,f6.2,5f5.2,9f6.2,2a2 or 1x,a5 .... if the station has 5 characters. The content is:
station code 4-5 chars (see above)
latitude in degrees
latitude in min
north or south (N or S)
longitude in degrees
longitude in minutes
east or west (E or W)
altitude in m, in some rare cases, the station is deeper than 1000 m in which case the minus sign has to be put in column 1
P-delay in secs, S-delay in secs. Since it is a delay, it is subtracted from the arrival time. NOTE. The S-delay is in the former
position of the Mc correction.
Magnitude corrections for the magnitudes: Ml, mb or mB, Ms or MS and Mw
Spherical harmonic station corrections
Network and Location codes
NOTE: Network and location are new from version 12 and are only used with new Nordic format, Nordic2. The are located in column 113-116. If the station file has network and location and the S-files does not have it, the station will be selected anyway. So network and location is really only needed if two station have the the same station code but different location or network.
NOTE: The format for the minutes is f5.3. Normally minutes are given as e.g. 20.22, however if a higher accuracy is needed, it can be written without the point as 20222 meaning 20.222 ccording to the format f5.3. See also section 5.3.5.
The command GET_STAT (get_stat
) can be used to
check that a station is present in the station file and that the coordinates
are correct.i An example is
c:\seismo\WOR>get_stat BER BER 60.3838 5.3338 50
The magnitude residuals are added to magnitudes calculated for each station but the result is only seen in the final average magnitude. If the magnitude correction is set to 99.0, the magnitude is not used in the average. The magnitude corrections for mb and mB are the same and similarly also for Ms and MS.
Format of model line: 3f7.3,a1,3f7.2. The information is:
P- velocity (km/sec)
Depth to interface (km)
S- velocity (not needed). If no S-velocity is given, the S-velocity
is calculated from the P-velocity using the given Vp/Vs ratio.
Interface indicator: N: Moho, B: Conrad
Density (g/cm**3)(not needed)
Qp (not needed)
Qs (not needed)
Density and Q is only used by modeling programs and moment tensor inversion. In this way the station file is a complete model file for making synthtic seismgrams. NB: Moho cannot be the last layer, there MUST be one layer below interface marked with N.
The line with ** indicates optional Vs, density, Qp and Qs. This is information only used with modeling, see section 29. Format for additional info is 25x,4f10.1.
Format of control line: 3f5.0,f5.2,i5,2f5.1 Information is:
start depth in km, used if no range of start depths specified (see below)
xnear: distance at which distance weighting start
xfar: distance at which distance weighting is zero, beyond xfar, the phase is not used (local events only)
Vp/Vs ratio
number of start depths
start depth of range of start depths
increment in start depths
NB: If these parameters are used, the fixed initial start depth is not used
The input at the bottom is reporting agency used for both hypocenter and magnitudes.
Since the program locates distant events, max distance, reset test(41) must be set to a large value. To avoid that local events move out in the blue, the parameters xnear and xfar must be set not larger than 2000 to 3000 km. Xnear and xfar are only used for local events (flag L) and regional events if the local crustal model is used.