The whole SEISAN system is located in subdirectories residing under the main directory SEISMO. For more details, see chapter 3 on installation. The system contains the following main subdirectories:
REA: | Earthquake readings and full epicenter solutions in a database |
WOR: | The users work directory, initially empty |
TMP | Temporal storage of files, initially empty |
PRO: | Programs, source code and executables |
LIB: | Libraries and subroutines |
INC: | Include files for programs and subroutines in PRO and LIB |
COM: | Command procedures |
DAT: | Default and parameter files, e.g. station coordinates |
WAV: | Digital waveform data files |
CAL: | System calibration files |
INF: | Documentation and information |
ISO: | Macroseismic information |
SUP: | Supplementary files and programs |
In the following, the above subdirectories will mostly be called directories to avoid always referring to SEISMO. All directories use capital letters, however this only makes a difference in the Unix versions. The directory structure is used as a tree like structure for quick access to individual files in the REA directory, which therefore will appear as a simple database to the user. The next section is a description of the database directories; the other directories are described in chapter 44. Figure 2.1 shows the tree structure of SEISAN.