It is now assumed that data has been entered into the database. The fundamental tool for the database is then the EEV program, which mostly works within the limits of one month in the standard database or with whatever the user has of S-files in his own directory. SE works in a similar way but with a graphical user interface. Optionally, EEV can also work with several months. A special option is to use a list of files in an INDEX file, see end of this section and SELECT program. Some of the commands available within EEV are also available within programs. See below for more details on EEV.
The EEV program reads the file names of all S-files in the database monthly directory (or local directory or index file), positions the pointer at the first event and asks for a command to be performed for the current event or to find another event. If the command is to use a program, control is handed over to that program, which on completion hands control back to EEV. In this way, many different independent programs can be used from within EEV, e.g. several different location programs can be installed.
Two people can wotk in the same directory with the same data base. This can potentially create a problem if working on the same event. When EEV starts, it will create a lock file eev.lock and when it closes, the file is deleted. If a lock file is found in the directory when eev starts up, a warning is given:
**********************************WARNING*********************************** ** Another EEV user in same directory or EEV was not properly terminated **
EEV can be started in several ways:
EEV with one month in default database: EEV yyyymm.
E.g. EEV 199201 would work on January 1992 on the standard BER database. It is here also possible to give a more precise start time like EEV 1992011520 to start with the first event at or after January 15 at 20 hrs.
EEV with one month in alternative database: EEV yyyymm BASE.
BASE is the database. To work on the NAO base, the command would be EEV 199201 NAO.
EEV with several months in default database: EEV yyyymm YYYYMM
yyyymm is start year and month and YYYYMM is end year and month.
EEV with several months in alternative database: EEV yyyymm YYYYMM BASE
yyyymm is start year and month and YYYYMM is end year and month.
EEV to work with events is local directory: EEV
Only the S-files in local directory will be used.
EEV to work with an index file: EEV index.out
EEV can work with an index file and the command would be EEV index.out,
where index.out is the index file name (can have any name as long
as it contains a `.' except when used with HYP).
For information on index files, see 11.
Databases can have 1-5 letter names and the user specify 1-5 letters. The real names in the directory structure are always 5 letters so if the user specifies e.g. a base name of BA, the real name will be BA___ . The full 5-letter name can also be used.
The commands in EEV mainly use only one letter unless a date or a number has to be given. To get a short explanation, type ? and you will get:
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Help on EEV, all commands are given in lower case ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Basic commands Q: Quit EEV ? Print this help file *** Navigation in EEV B: Back one event #xx: Go to event # xx, also works without the # Dxxxxxx: Go to first event on date xx, hour xx, min xx Eyyyymm: Let EEV session end with year yyyy and month mm Jyyyymm BAS:Jump to year yy and month mm in base BAS Sxxxxxx: Search for next two events which are within xxxxxx seconds. If time is blank, a default of 180 secs is used SS: Find next unprocessed event in base *** Event information EP: Edit print.out file from last location T: Type event TT: Type only header line of event W: Show location of waveform files listed in s-file *** File operation like copy, delete, email etc. Axx: Append event # xx to current event, original event remains AA: Append current event to next event, original event remains C: Copy event to another data base or to current directory CM: Copy out several events to eev.out D: Delete current event, you will be prompted to confirm DM: Delete many events, no backup DUP: Duplicate current event in data base, different id EMAIL: Send S-file as email as defined in SEISAN.DEF EMAILSUM: Send a summary email as defined in SEISAN.DEF NEW: Add a new event to data base PRINT: Print S-file on printer R: Rename event type, must be L, R or D PUT: Register event REG: Register event US Synchronize s-file name and ID with origin time and make an ID line if not there *** File modification and edit, add data COMMENT: Write comment lines in S-file COM: Same as COMMENT COMF: Add one or several felt information lines COML: Add one geographical location line COMP: Write province comment line in S-file COMT: Write intensity comment line in S-file DD: Duplicate header line in S_file DELS: Delete specific phase lines in S-file, like P-phases E: Edit S-file EXP: Enter explosion information FIX: Fix, unfix or set fixed depth FIXE: Fix or unfix epicenter FIXO: Fix or unfix origin time GEO: Put in nearest geographical location with distance GXXXXX: Get data from same event in data base XXXXXX like gISC GI: Same as gISC GP: Same as gPDE GE: Same as gEMSC GU: Same as gUSGS IC: Insert comment as specified in SEISAN.DEF ID: Change event type like P or E INPUTEPI: Input hypocenter and origin time in S-file from st. input INPUTONE: Input an additional type one line (hypocenter line) INPUTFPS: Input complete fault plane solution line INPUTMAG: Input 3. magnitude on header line IM: -------------------------------- IFP: Input fault plane solution strike, dip, rake, Ag., Prog, Q. INPUTX: Input of xnear and xfar, RESET TEST 107 must be 1.0 M: Input model indicator on header line MTD: Delete all mt and synt lines MTE: Edit MT parameters in S-file QUARRY: Insert quarry info from quarry.dat in DAT STD: Set or unset start location depth flag, also set depth STE: Set or unset start location epicenter flag *** Archive and waveform files ARC: Add an archive line ARC _: Add an virtual network archive line using the name given after the _ like: ARC _GSN ARCDEL: Delete all archive lines ARX: Extract waveform file from archive and put in S-file W: Show location of waveforms listed in s-file *** Hypocenter location EP: Edit print.out filef from last location EH: Edit hyp.out file -------------------- GRID: Locate by grid search GHYP: Show Google map or Earth (or not) at each location with HYP FIX: Fix, unfix or set fixed depth FIXE: Fix or unfix epicenter FIXO: Fix or unfix origin time H: Locate with Hypoinverse HYPO71: Locate with Hypo71 (linux only) INPUTX: Input of xnear and xfar, RESET TEST 107 must be 1.0 L: Locate event, will also calculate magnitude if not locatable but distance is present, Hypocenter LR: Reject outliers and locate, see also command UR LL: Locate current and next event together Lxx: Locate current and event xx together M: Input model indicator on header line U(PDATE): Updates S-file with hypocenter etc. UR: Reject outliers and update S-file with hypocenter etc. US Synchronize s-file name and ID with origin time and make an ID line if not there *** Plot signals and time sequece analysis P: Plot event, also make hard copies and pic phases PO: Plot event with defaults, multi trace mode POL: Plot vertical channels P onset with polarities POO: Plot event with defaults, single trace mode PB: Plot Bouch synthetics PH: Plot Herrmann synthetics PW: Plot wkbj synthetics PM: Plot moment tensor synthetics PD: Plot extracted data file for moment tensor, mulplt.wav PG: Ploty Greens's functions when doing MT QP: Plot seismogram around P/S for quick inspection SAC: Run SAC, Linux only *** Plot epicenter GMAP: Make epicenter map with Google Map MAP: Make a map of current location with EPIMAP MAPF: Makes a map like the MAP command showing fps if there MAPG: Makes a GMT map like the MAP command MAPGF: Makes a GMT map like the MAP command showing fps if there *** Plot spectra, magnitudes vs distance, wadati, picture etc PMM: Plot moment vs time PML: Plot Ml vs distance PMR: Plot magnitude residual vs distance, only Nordic2 PP: Plot picture file in PIC or in local dir PS: Plot spectra and WA picks made with command AM PSPEC: Same as PS RMSDEP: Calculates and plots RMS as a function of depth WAD: Make a wadati diagram PF(IT): Get back azimuth and app. Velocity for network P-arrival, plot TTPLOT: Make travel time plot *** Automatic routines for picks, amplitudes and spectra AMPRATIO: Automatic amplitudes for ratio used with fps AR: Same as above AUTOSIG: Automatic processing with autosig AUTOMAG: Automatic magnitude Ml and Mw, all defaults AM: Same as automag AMI: Automag with questions about window lengths AUTOPHASE Automatice phase picking with Lomax routine in AUTOPHASE AP: Same as autophase Z: Auto pic current event, if readings available, new pics will be added with a flag *** Fault plane solution, plot, manipulation F: Make a fault plane solution with FOCMEC F_OLD: Old ------, before 2017 FH: Make a fault plane solution with HASH FI: Make a fault plane solution with PINV FP: Make a fault plane solution with FPFIT FPFIT: ------------------------------------- FO: Plot all fault plane solutions, no questions, with polarities FOO Plot all fault plane solutions, no polarities plotted or needed FM: Plot moment tensor solution with mopad FQ: Enter quality and position prime fps at top FD(IF): Compare P and T axis from two different fps INPUTFPS: Input complete fault plane solution line IFP: Input fault plane solution strike, dip, rake, Ag., Prog, Q. MAPF: Makes a map like the MAP command showing fps if there MAPGF: Makes a GMT map like the MAP command showing fps if there POL: Plot vertical channels P onset with polarities *** Moment tensor MTP: Make Moment Tensor (MT) parameters MTG: Make Green's function for MT MTI: Invert for MT solution FM: Plot moment tensor solution with Mopad MTD: Delete all MT and synt lines MTE: Edit MT parameters in S-file INVRAD: Make moment tensor inversion with Invrad PM: Plot moment tensor synthetics with original data PD: Plot extracted data file for moment tensor, mulplt.wav PG: Plot Greens's functions when doing MT *** Synthetic seismogram and travel times BOUCH: Run Bouchon's modeling program BOUSEI: Make SEISAN file from Bouchon synthetic file HERRMANN: Run Herrmann's modelling program (not PC) HERSEI: Make SEISAN file from Herrmann synthetic file IASP: Generate arrival times using IASPEI91 tables SYNT: Make parameters for synthetic modelling WKBJ: Make synthetic seismograms with WKBJ program *** Macroseismic information MAC: Input macroseismic information MACROMAP: Make a GMT based map of felt information, Unix only EM: Edit ISO file in ISO directory COMF: Add one or several felt information lines COMT: Write intensity comment line in S-file *** Explosion information EXP: Enter explosion information QUARRY: Insert quarry info from quarry.dat in DAT *** Other commands O: Operating system command, e.g. ols is ls, ocd test is cd test do not currently work on command with prompt input like epimap and collect USERCOM: Start user defined command as 'usercom -sfile <sfile-name> ' TEST: Start program TEST_PROG with s-file name as argument MODELS: List MODEL.DEF file in DAT UP: Update list of S-files in memory *** end of file jh mar 10 2023
Note: Command letters can be upper or lower case.
Comments to commands:
#XXX : Go to event by number. When giving a number, only give the number of digits needed, no formatting. Thus e.g. to find event 7 or 777, write 7 or 777 respectively. If there is not an event corresponding to the parameter specified, EEV will go back to event #1. In the number command, # can be omitted.
Axxx: Append another event to current event. The event specified is appended to current event. All header and lines in both files are saved and put in order in the current event. The main first header is from the current event. The ID line for the appended event is saved as a comment line. The user will be questioned if the appended event is to be deleted.
AA: Same as above using next event.
ARC: Adds an archive line so event can be plotted, see SEISAN.DEF for defaults to set. Use 'ARC _VNET' (where VNET is an example of virtual network) to create ARC line with the virtual network.
ARC _: Adds an archive line for the virtual network name given after the _ like ARC _GSN for the GSN virtual network.
ARCDEL: Deletes all ARC lines in the S-file
ARX: Extract waveform file corresponding to S-file and adds thew waveform file name to the S-file. See program GET_ARC for details.
AMPRATIO or AR: Run program AUTORATIO 25 to measure P and S amplitudes to be used as amplitude ratios in FOCMEC and HASH.
AUTOSIG: Automatic processing with autosig program.
AUTOMAG and AM: Automatic amplitude for Ml and automatic spectral analysis. Only S-waves are used and fixed windows are used.The results are overwriting result in S-file. For more details see program AUTOMAG.
AMI: AUTOMAG, but questions about spectral window and window for Ml are asked. Type of spectrum (P or S) is also asked.
AUTOPHASE and AP: Automatic phase picking with Lomax picker.
AUTORATIO and AR: Automatically calculates amplitudes from spectra and time domain for use with FOCMEC.
B: Back one event
BOUCH: Run Bouchon's modeling program
BOUSEI: Make SEISAN file from Bouchon synthetic file
There are two options, copy the event to another database given by a 1-5 letter name (upper case) or to a file EEV.OUT in your working directory. Several files can be extracted within one EEV session to the same EEV.OUT file. A new EEV session deletes the previous eev.out file. The C option can be used to recover files from the DELET database of deleted events. In addition to making the EEV.OUT file, an index file is also made called indexeev.out. THIS FILE IS NOT DELETED WHEN EEV STARTS UP since the intention is to be able to use EEV to make an index file of interesting events from several months. You can then start eev with the selected events with command EEV eevindex.out. Note: The other data base can also be a local data base “„” in which case EEV should not operate on the same local data base.
CM: Copy many files to eev.out. The copying starts at current file and the user is asked for the number of files to copy.
COMMENT: Comment are written into S-file, terminated by a blank line.
COMF: Add one or several felt information lines
COML: Add one geographical location line
COMP: Write province comment line in S-file
COMT: Write intensity comment line in S-file
DXXXXX; The D-command is used to jump to another event at a given date and time, normally only day is used: The hour can optionally be specified. E.g. d2205 will find the event nearest in time after day 22 at 05 hours. If both day and hour is used 4 digits MUST be given e.g. 0708. Highest accuracy is the nearest minute.
D: Delete event You are asked for confirmation. After the event has been deleted, all S-file names are read in again and all event numbers after the deleted event are therefore changed. The deleted event is automatically saved in the DELET database. If the event is present in the CAT file, it remains there until the next update is done, see UPDATE command in 14.
DM: Delete many events starting with the current event. The events are NOT backed up in DELET data basea .
DELS: Delete specific phase lines in S-file, like P-phases. This is the simplest way to delete large specific part of an s-file.
DD: Duplicates the header line
DUP: Duplicates an event in the database. The duplicated event has an ID, which is one second different from the original event. The command can be used to split an event in two and then manually deleting phase lines in each.
E: Edit the event. As default on Linux vi is used and on PC Notepad is used. The editor can be changed, see section 3. When control goes back to EEV, the file is checked for possible typing errors or other format problems. If a problem is encountered, the line with the problem is displayed with an indication of where the mistake might be, and the user is returned to the editor. Alternatively the error can be ignored. The file is also checked for missing ID and consistency between file name and ID. Problem: Some editors will keep a backup copy of the original file so 2 files might be present with one e.g. with the additional extension .BAK. EEV (from version 7.2) will only use the original file, but there is no check on what backup files might accumulate.
EM: Edit ISO file in ISO directory. The ISO file name must be listed in the S-file.
EMAIL: Send s-file as email using mailx program defined in SEISAN.DEF (variable MAILX COMMAND) (Linux only) for the addresses defined in SEISAN.DEF (variable ALERT EMAIL). The EMAIL command can optionally be used to perform a system command. The system command is defined in SEISAN.DEF variable EMAIL SYSTEM. If blank, no commands is executed. An example script below (Linux) is to send the S-file nor2nor2.out to a web ftp server:
#!/bin/bash [email protected] PASSWORD=xxxxx ftp -inv $HOST <<EOF user $USER $PASSWORD put nor2nor2.out bye EOF
IN SEISAN version before 12.0, the current S-file was sent. Now with 2 formats, the S-file is by default converted to Nordic format (the original format) so the same format (in nor2nor2.out file) is used whether the user is using Nordic or Nordic2 format. Noridc2 format can also be used by setting parameter ALERT_EMAIL_FORMAT to 2 in SEISAN.DEF.
EMAILSUM: Send summary of s-file as email using mailx program defined in SEISAN.DEF (variable MAILX COMMAND) (Linux only) for the addresses defined in SEISAN.DEF (variable EMAIL SUMMARY). An example is shown below:
Info sent by Departamenti i Sizmologjise (IGJEUM) Magnitude: 1.6 ML Date and time UTC: 2021-01-02 02:02:58 Location: 40.681 N 20.753 W Depth: 5.8 km Region: 4 km SE of Maliq
The Region is taken from the Locality: line. If a felt report is there it will be added from the FELTINFO: line. The region is put in with GEO command, see that.
The title in the header is from SEISAN.DEF parameter EMAIL_SUMMARY_TITLE.
The command can optionally generate an epicenter map and embed it into the email. To do so set parameter EMAIL_SUMMARY_MAP in SEISAN.DEF.
0: No map
1: map with EPIMAP (MAP command is used)
2: map with GMT (MAPG command is used)
In this case a different email command is used, set by parameter MAILX_COMMAND_MAP in SEISAN.DEF.
A typical example (Linux) is shown below:
mpack -s "Earthquake report" -d summary.out -c image/jpeg map.jpg From:[email protected]
Eartheqake report is the title, the summary file made by EEV is summary.out, the jpg image file is map.jpg and the From is to indicate an alternative sender, not needed if systems email is ok.
EEV genrates the PS file from MAP or MAPG and it is converted to jpg with hardwired command (in EEV, file eev_sub.for in the LIB folder) to make the map file map.jpg
gmt psconvert epimap.eps -Tj -Fmap
in case of epimap. So GMT must be installed, it is needed anyway for MAPG. For info on the geographical localities files used, see MAP and MAPG.
Eyyyymm: Giving this command will make the current EEV session end with year yyyy and month mm within the same data base. When EEV gets to the end of the month, pressing return will move EEV to the first event of the following month instead of to the first event of the same month.
EP: Edit the print.out file, useful to see what happens if something wrong with location or no location.
EXP: Input of explosion information. This command creates 3 new lines (see format description in Appendix A) and changes the main header line event type to explosion (E). The user is asked for location, time, charge and comments. The explosion agency is used to classify types of sites and can be used by SELECT for searching. If no event is available, a new event must be created with EEV command NEW.-
F: Make a fault plane solution. The program uses polarities. See section 23.1 for more details.
F_OLD: Use the old version of Focmec, before SEISAN version 10.6.
FO: Just plot a solution in S-file. It must have data so it can be located. Polarities are shown.
FOO: Plot solutions even if no phases in S-file. Polarities are not plotted.
FD: Calculate the difference in orientation of P and T axis of any two fps
FI: Fault plane solution using PINV
FH: Fault plane solution using HASH.
FP: Fault plane solution using FPFIT.
FM: Plot moment tensor solution with Mopad.
FQ: Enter quality of fault plane solution. It is also possible to order the solutions so the prime comes first.
FIX: Fix or unfix depth. It is also possible to give the depth.
FIXE: Fix or unfix epicenter
FIXO: Fix or unfix origin time
GMAP: Make an epicenter map of current event using Google Map. It is also possible to make maps with many epicenters using GMAP outside EEV, see section 10.5 for more details.
MAPG: Makes a GMT map like the MAP command using the GMT software.
GHYP: Show Google map or Earth (or not) at each location with HYP. The Google Earth option requires Google Earth to be installed and in the path.
GRID:. Hypocenter is started up and will ask for the grid: Latitude and longitude range and grid spacing. A maximum of 71 points can be used in each direction. The point with the lowest RMS is found and the corresponding location and residual is printed on the screen. It is now optionally possible to plot the contours on the screen. The map coordinates used are as defined in SEISAN.DEF. Note that the grid search is using exactly the same parameters as Hypocenter. This includes all weights and phase types. The depth is fixed to the depth given in the S-file header line. For more details and an example, see application note epi.pdf in INF.
GEO: Find the nearest location and calculates the distance and direction in terms of N, SE etc. The information can optionally be put into the Locality line in S-file. The locations are found in place_names.eev in DAT. It contains 256 global locations. You can put in your own instead. One can plot the place_names in Google Earth with the GMAP program.
GETXXXXX: Get data from same event in data base XXXXXX like gISC.
gi: short for getISC ge: short for gEMSC gu: short for gUSGS
The command searches the XXXXX data base for all events +/- minutes around the current event in EEC. The search window can interactively be increased or decreased. An event to be inserted in the the current events can then be selected by a number. Thre are several options for inserting:
Put in header line as #1 line: The header from the XXXXX data base file is overwrting the header in the current file and filename and ID are corrected accordingly, like if event was R and inserted event is D, then event becomes D. This option is intnded to be used when the user wants to fix the hypopcenter to an agency hypocenter in case not enough data is available to make a reliable solution. This is often the case for distant events. Use commands fix and fixe to fix hypocenter.
Put in header as line nr 2: This option is used when a reference hypoocenter and magnitude is recorded in file, e.g. from ISC.
Put in whole file: The file in EEV has the main header and all headers and phase lines are added from external event.
Put in whole file but delete duplicate phases. Duplicate phases are defined as having same phase name, station and component codes and to be within 0.1 s of the reference phase.
Put in whole file but weight out all inserted phases. This option allows the user to relocate and checking residual, decide which phase to include.
NOTE that to automatically obtain a SEISAN data base of EMSC or USGS hypocenters, the program get_web_locations can be used.
Below is an examaple. For each event time difference DT in minutes and distance DDIS in km is given.
# 4 1 Jan 2021 3:55 21 L 38.393 22.245 0.00 2.2 3.2LTIR 8 ? ge Window is 40 minutes 2021 1 Reading events from base EMSC_ 6818 ------DT--DDIS------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 -11 11615 2021 1 1 343 49.0 D -24.130 -67.420234.0 GUC 3.2LGUC 2 -2 926 2021 1 1 352 54.0 D 45.390 16.150 10.0 EMC 3.6LEMC 3 0 18 2021 1 1 355 20.2 D 38.380 22.030 9.0 EMC 3.5LEMC EEV 2021 1 1 355 21.0 L 38.393 22.245 0.00 TIR 8 2.2 3.2LTIR 4.4WTIR 4 7 964 2021 1 1 4 2 32.0 D 45.630 15.800 12.0 EMC 2.3LEMC 5 9 11082 2021 1 1 4 5 16.6 D -0.190 124.460 55.0 GFZ 4.6bGFZ ------DT--DDIS------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chose one event number to include or increase(+) or decrease(-) window, enter to stop 3 Following event is selected: 2021 1 1 355 20.2 D 38.380 22.030 9.0 EMC 3.5LEMC Options: Do nothing, return to EEV, Enter Put in header line as #1 line: 1 Put in header line as #2 line: 2 Put in whole file 3 Put in whole file, delete duplicate phases: 4 Put in whole file, weight out inserted ---: 5
H: Locate with Hypoinverse, no database update is made, no Nordic output format file.
HERRMAN: Herrmann's modeling programs, only on Sun, might work on Linux, not tested.
HERSEI: Make a SEISAN waveform file from output of Herrmann modeling, only tested on Sun.
IASP: Generate a file with theoretical arrival times for the current event for stations listed in S-file. . The command will only work if the event has an epicenter and origin time in header line or a subsequent type 1 line, see also HERSEI: Make a SEISAN waveform file from output of Herrmann modeling, only tested on Sun.
HYPO71: Locate with HYPO71. The database is not updated (not well tested on PC).
IASP: Generate a file with theoretical arrival times for the current event for stations listed in S-file. . The command will only work if the event has an epicenter and origin time in header line or a subsequent type 1 line, see also INPUTEPI and INPUTONE. These theoretical times will then be displayed with mulplt, the next time command P is used in EEV. The theoretical times are listed in file iasp.out. See section 30.4 for more information. The command can also be used directly from MULPLT and in this case theoretical travel times are calculated for all stations in waveform file(s).
IC: Enter one of predefined comments. The comments are given in SEISAN.DEF and any number of comments can be predefined. Example:
7 1 Jan 2015 13:35 39 LQ 78.312 7.560 15.0 0.9 2.0LBER 8 ? ic
Predefined comments are:
1 Calculated depth is 0km, fixed to 10km due to uncertain depth
2 Calculated depth is 31km, fixed to 10km due to uncertain depth
3 Calculated depth is
31km, fixed to 10km due to uncertain depth
4 Probable explosion due to spectrogram and waveform
5 Induced event rapported on,
6 Probably explosion at Rana Gruber, Storforshei
7 Probably explosion at Titania
8 Probably explosion at Norsk Stein
9 Probably explosion at Slovaag, Sogn & Fjoradn
10 Probably explosion at Eikefet quarry
enter number
ID: Change the event id like E or P
INPUTONE: Makes an additional type one line (hypocenter line) in the file. Enter the data exactly under the columns indicated. The line will be entered exactly as written, so it is possible to enter any part of the information.
INPUTEPI: Works like INPUTONE, except that it overwrites information on the first header line if non-blank information is given. Use INPUTEPI to add information to the first header line like e.g. the depth. If existing nonblank characters on the line are to be replaced by blanks (e.g. remove a magnitude), use underscore “_”.
INPUTX: Makes a comment line with xnear, xfar and start depth values. Note that RESET TEST(107) must be set for this option to work.
INPUTFPS: Input complete fault plane solution line
IFP: Input fault plane solution strike, dip, rake, agency, program used and quality of solutio.
INVRAD: Runs the moment tensor inversion program, see section 23.7.
Jyyyymm BAS: This command makes it possible to change month and database during an EEV session by giving a new year yyyy and month mm and optionally a new database BAS. If no database is given, the same database is assumed.
L: Locate event with HYPOCENTER (same as HYP). The location does not update the S-file.
LR: Reject outliers and locate. Outliers remain in file. Can be removed with command UR. see HYPOCENTER section for more details.
Lxx: Locate current event with event number xx. This is used to check if two events belong together.
LL: Locate current and following event together.
M: Input or remove model indicator on header lien.
MAC: Enter macroseismic information, you will be prompted for all information. For details of the type of information, see definition of Nordic format, Appendix A.
MACROMAP: Felt information is read from a file with macroseismic information and plotted with GMT. The file name of the file with macroseimic observations is given in the S-file.
MAP: Start EPIMAP program to produce a map of current location. If a location is given in the S-file, this location is plotted, otherwise the event is located if possible and the resulting location used for plotting. The parameters for generating the map are set in the SEISAN.DEF file (see 3.13).
MAPF: The same as MAP but in addion the first fault plane solution found in file will be plotted. Ther eis no requirement that there are polarities.
MODELS: Lists MODEL.DEF file in DAT that assigns names to single characters in STATIONx.HYP file.
MTP: Make Moment Tensor (MT) parameters, input wav file must tbe made first.
MTG: Make Green's function for MT. MTP first.
MTI: Invert for MT solution. MTG first.
MTD: Delete all mt and synt lines.
MTE: Edit MT parameters in S-file. A menu comes up and different parameters can be edited.
NEW: Creates a new event in the database. The user is asked to give date and time and the event is created in the current monthly database.
O: Give a command to the operating system. This is a very useful command, since it is possible to do almost anything without leaving EEV, including starting a new session of EEV !! E.g. the command ols on Sun and odir on PC would make a directory listing. The name and path of the current s-file is copied to a file named eev.cur.sfile, this makes it easy to write your own programs to handel seisan data.
PB: Plot Bouch syntheticsi, autimatic with MULPLT
PH: Plot Herrmann synthetics, ——————
PW: Plot wkbj synthetics, ———————-
PM: Plot moment tensor synthetics
PD: Plot extracted data file for moment tensor, mulplt.wav
PG: Plot Greens's functions when doing MT
PF or PFIT: Calculate the apparent velocity and back azimuth using the P-arrival times stored in the S-file. The calculation is done by a free standing program PFIT, which also can be called outside eev. It is assumed that the arriving wave can be approximated with a plane wave so this option is intended to be used with events which are far away relative to the size of the network which then can be considered a seismic array. The station coordinates are taken from the default station file and there is no correction for station elevation. When starting the pfit option, the user will be given a choice of reference station and maximum distance from the reference station. Linear distances will then be calculated from the reference station and possible results will be associated with the reference station. All P-phases given as P, Pn, PN, Pg, PG, PKP, PB and Pb will be used and it is up to the user to ensure that the event file only contains the phases to be used. The output is displayed on the screen and the linear fit can be shown on a plot, which also can be used to interactively check individual station values, see example below.
Example run of PFIT
Give reference station, enter for using first station in list HYA Maximum distance from reference station, default is 1000 km 2007 1 5 1652 23.3 D 55.991-159.065 13.5 BER 19 1.2 5.3SBER 5.5BBER 5.4BPDE Stations available: 18 Stations used: 14 Stat Delta t Latitude Longitude x y HYA 0.000 61.165 6.182 0.000 0.000 LOF -44.970 68.132 13.541 394.668 774.733 MOR8 -34.220 66.285 14.732 458.521 569.318 NSS -23.720 64.531 11.967 310.275 374.227 MOL -9.540 62.570 7.547 73.220 156.192 DOMB -6.840 62.073 9.112 157.158 100.965 ASK 0.810 60.472 5.201 -52.618 -77.095 RUND 4.060 60.414 5.367 -43.680 -83.581 BER 4.820 60.384 5.335 -45.414 -86.880 EGD 3.270 60.270 5.223 -51.403 -99.501 ODD1 5.600 59.911 6.627 23.891 -139.457 BLS5 9.920 59.423 6.456 14.712 -193.739 KONO 9.630 59.649 9.598 183.221 -168.571 SNART 18.280 58.339 7.210 55.130 -314.293 Reference station is: HYA Back azimuth =358.8 Apparent velocity =19.81 corr =-0.99 rms = 0.03
Relative to the reference station, the above output gives relative P-times and relative x and y-coordinates (km). It is also seen that only 14 station were available within 1000 km from the reference station HYA. These results are also available in an output file array.out. See also array processing section 6.29 on FK-analysis.
PMM: Plot moment as a function of time. The values are taken from the SPEC lines. The intention is to get an idea if the attenuation is correct by seeing the trend. If the line has a negative slope, then the Q value is too and vise versa. On top of the plot the corresponding Q correction needed to make the moment distance independent is shown. It is calculated at a third of the corner frequency. This value is only an indication. On the plot it is possible to click on a symbold to get the corresponding channel used.
PML: Plot Ml as a function of distance. The plot can be used to judge any diance biars in the magnitude calculations. On the plot it is possible to click on a symbold to get the corresponding channel used.
PMR: Plot magnitude residual as a function of distance. The plot can be used to judge any diance biars in the magnitude calculations. On the plot it is possible to click on a symbold to get the corresponding channel used.
PUT: Register event. This option is mainly meant to be used with the SEISNET data collection system. The command cleans up the S-file for all SEISNET operations. It removes commented out ID-lines and copies the waveform files given for the event from the current directory to WAV. The command is equivalent to the register command in MULPLT. If events are auto registered with AUTOREG, the command can be used to clean up and inspect incoming data without using MULPLT directly.
PO: Use MULPLT with defaults. This means that no questions will be asked and the plot appears in multi trace mode with default channels and default filters as given in the MULPLT.DEF file in DAT. Useful option for routine inspection of raw data.
POO: Same as PO with the difference that the user enters MULPLT single mode directly.
POL: Plot vertical channels P onset with polarities using program PLOTPOLARITY 24. The polarity picks can be chenged.
PP: Plot picture files with file names stored on type P-lines. The picture files must be in working directory or PIC directory. Several files can be defined in the S-file and the user will be prompted for which one to plot. The system command used for displaying the file must be defined in SEISAN.DEF, parameter PLOT_PICTURE_COMMAND bitmap types and PLOT_PDF_COMMAND for PDF files. An example is found for test event JUNE 3, 1996 at 19:55.
PRINT: The current S-file is printed on the default printer, to set up printer command, see SEISAN.DEF (section 3.13).
PS: Plot spectra and WA picks made with AM command. The bad fits that the user wants to deselect can be deleted interactively.
Q: Quit EEV
QP: Make a 'quick plot' to see short seismograms around phase picks using program PLOTPHASE. Picks can be changed, and filters can be applied. 24
QUARRYCHECK: Calculate distance between epicentre and quarry locations given in quarry.dat in DAT. If distance is less than maximum distance xx as given in quarry.dat, the quarry is listed. The file looks like this:
50. 67.851 20.156 Kiruna (SWE), usual time 23:00 67.630 20.990 Svappavaara, Kiruna (SWE) 67.073 20.954 Gallivare (SWE) 67.201 20.711 Gallivare (SWE) 67.560 30.430 Kovdor (RUS)The number 50 is the maximum distance.
After giving the command you get e.g. this:
dist lat lon # 1 16.8 60.852 5.078 Sloevaag (NOR) # 2 40.7 60.547 4.988 Merkesvik (NOR) # 3 47.3 60.704 5.559 Eikefet (NOR) Number to include in s-file, enter for noneIt is now possible to select a site and put the info into the s-file as a comment.
REG: Same as PUT.
R: Rename event type - Giving an event a new type requires changing the header in the S-file and the S-file name. All this is done with R-command. You are prompted for a new type (can be the same in which case nothing is done). A new S-file is made and the old deleted. The CAT-file is NOT changed so if no UPDATE is done, the event there will remain with wrong type. Event types are L: Local event, R: Regional event and D: Distant event. Change events id - By adding a second charater to the event type the event id will be changed too. E.g. changing the event to a local explosion one must type LE. Use LB, lb or l_ to replace the E with a blank. Standard event id's are: E = Explosion, P = Probable explosion, V = Volcanic and Q = Confirmed earthquake
RMSDEP: Calculates and plots RMS as a function of depth for current event. Note: Program starts by reading STATION0.HYP so if current events uses e.g. STATION1.HYP, STATION0.HYP must be there also.
SAC: Convert all data to SAC format and starts the SAC processing system ( not distributed with SEISAN, must be obtained separately), not on PC.
Sxxxxxx: Search for next pairs of events separated in time by xxxxxx secs (max 999999). If no value is given, 180 secs is used. The command is intended for finding events to be merged after putting together two different data sets with SPLIT. If a new time instead of the default 180 is entered, it will remain in effect for the whole EEV session. NOTE, that the search starts with the current event, so after using S, one return to go to the next event must be given to start a new search.
STE: Set or unset the start location flag for epicenter
STD: Set or unset the start location flag for depth. The dept can also be entered.
SYNT: Make parameters for synthetic modelling, similar format as used for MT.
SS: Find next unprocessed event in database. Events, which have status in ID line as follows: SPL: split with SPLIT program, HYP: auto-located with HYP, NEW: new event from EEV or ARG: registered by AUTOREG. The idea is that when new unprocessed data have entered the database by one of these programs, it should be easy for the operator to find the event. In EEV, an N near the end of the prompt line indicates an event with this status.
T: Type event.
TT: Type only header of event.
TEST: Start program TEST_PROG with the argument of the current file. The intention with this command is to simplify testing a program with events accessed by EEV. TEST then excutes the command 'test_proge current-sfile-name'
TTPLOT: The program reads P and S-arrival times from S-file and makes a travel time plots. The program is useful for checking readings, see section 30.4. The lines connect the computed first arrivals for P and S, respectively.
UPDATE or just U: Updates (overwrite) S-file with hypocenter, magnitudes, residuals etc. Note that the CAT file IS NOT UPDATED . This can only be done with stand-alone command UPDATE, see section 14.
UP: Update EEV event list. All S-file names are read in again. Is useful if data arrives during an EEV session, like when using Copy command from another data base.
UR: Reject outliers and update S-file with hypocenter etc. Outliers are removed. See Hypocenter section for more details.
US: Synchronize S-file name and ID with origin time. Will also make an ID line if not there.
USERCOM: Starts user defined program with command
usercom -sfile
, where usercom is the command name.
This command is useful for example if you want to start your program
to create a report based on the S-file, from EEV. Note: the usercom
is not a SEISAN program but a program named USERCOM which will look
for the argument -sfile. See also command TEST.
W: Check if event has waveform files. If so, check in which directory they are if present on the system. The search will start in current directory, then WAV followed by all directories defined with keyword WAVEFORM_BASE in SEISAN.DEF in DAT.
WAD: The program reads the data for the event and then asks if all phases are going to be used or only phases of the same type like Pg and Sg. Ideally, only phases of the same type should be used, however in practice it might be interesting so see all data, it might give an idea about phase identification. The Wadati parameters will now be calculated and shown on the screen. Optionally a plot can now be made. The plot shows the Wadati diagram. On the left is shown all stations with corresponding S-P times. Any station on the plot can be identified with the cursor. Point the cursor near a symbol and click and the station data will be shown in the upper right hand corner. This facility is used to identify bad picks. The plot output file is called wad_plot.eps.
WKBJ: Make synthetic seismograms with WKBJ program. See program for details.
Z: Automatic phase picking. A waveform file must be present. See also the AUTO program section 21.
Below is shown a session with EEV on PC.
Example of using EEV for November 1993
eev 199311 1993 11 Reading events for base AGA 18 # 1 2 Nov 1993 17:06 48 L 60.443 4.512 2.0 1.5 N 1.8CBER 6 ? # 2 5 Nov 1993 22:37 21 D 1 ? # 3 5 Nov 1993 22:37 23 D 1 ? # 4 5 Nov 93 22:39 2 L ? # 5 5 Nov 93 22:40 58 L ? # 6 7 Nov 1993 23:40 43 L 67.837 20.059 15.0 0.7 2.5CBER 7 ? # 7 7 Nov 1993 23:43 17 L 66.307 6.919 31.0 1.4 3.1CBER 8 ? 17 # 17 19 Nov 1993 01:45 29 D 70.069 139.780 .1 0.1 7 ? t File name: \seismo\REA\AGA__\1993\11\19 0145-29D.S199302 1993 1119 0145 29.0 D 70.069 139.780 .1 BER 7 .1 1 .19 999.9 821.9999.9 .3206E+06 .2536E+07 .2639E+08E ACTION:UPD 97 03 25 21:28 OP:jh STATUS: ID:19931119014529 I 93111901.K41 6 93 1119 153 6.5 D 1 9311 19 0153 06S.NSN_09 6 STAT SP IPHASW D HRMM SECON CODA AMPLIT PERI AZIMU VELO SNR AR TRES W DIS CAZ7 KBS SZ EP 151 54.8 13.4 0 3365 161 TRO SZ EP 153 03.0 .010 4420 169 MOL SZ EP 153 50.51 .010 5070 165 ASK SZ EP 154 04.0 .010 5262 164 BER SZ EP 154 05.0 .110 5274 165 EGD SZ EP 154 05.5 .110 5285 165 KONO BZ EP 9 153 49.21 25.5 0 5413 167 # 17 19 Nov 1993 01:45 29 D 70.069 139.780 .1 7 ? # 18 21 Nov 1993 01:53 56 L 60.184 4.965 15.0 N 0.5 2.6CBER 11 ? 1993 11 Reading events for base AGA 18 1 2 Nov 1993 17:06 48 L 60.443 4.512 2.0 2.2 1.8CBER 6 ? q
In the above example (PC), the month has 18 events. For each event, vital information is displayed: Date, type, hypocenter, RMS, first magnitude and number of stations (number in S-file which might be larger than number used for location as given in S-file header line after a location). In this way the user can quickly search for events wanted and get important information without looking at all the details. The first event in the list is newly entered into the database as indicated with the N near the end of the line. In the above example, a return was made to go to next event until event #7 after which a jump was made to event 17. For this event, all parameter data was displayed with the 't' command. A return was made to event 18, another return and the event list was read in again and event #1 again became the current event. Note that not all events had a location.
Below are shown examples of the commands (C)opy, (D)ate, a(S)sociate and (A)ppend. Comment are preceded by '!' and written in bold. The database is EAF. The example use the old Nordic format.
EEV 199405 EAF 1994 5 Reading events for base EAF 613 ! the month has 613 events # 1 1 May 1994 1:18 8 D ? # 2 1 May 1994 11:37 6 L ? # 3 1 May 1994 12:00 33 D 36.607 68.449 15.0 2.4 ! go to day 20 ? d20 # 366 20 May 1994 5: 2 8 R ? c ! copy an event to working dir. Copy event: Other database, give 1-5 letter name Working directory in file eev.out: return # 366 20 May 1994 5: 2 8 R ? # 367 20 May 1994 10:59 32 D ! jump to 530 ? 530 # 530 26 May 1994 8:55 11 D ! look for time association ? s 549 27 May 1994 9:27 41 L Associated 548 27 May 1994 9:27 1 L ! append to next event ? aa Event # 549 appended to event # 548 Appended event still present Do you want to delete appended event(y/n=return)y ! delete appended event Backup copy saved as: \seismo\REA\DELET\1994\05\27 0927-41L.S199405 ! del. ev. save Deleted file \seismo\REA\EAF__\1994\05\27 0927-41L.S199405 ! app.ev. del. 1994 05 Reading events for base EAF 612 ! event list updated # 548 27 May 1994 9:27 1 L ! jump to 222 ? 222 # 222 12 May 1994 23:28 10 L ! change event type ? r Change event type to L,R or D ?r New file \seismo\REA\EAF__\1994\05\12 2328-10R.S199405 Deleted file: \seismo\REA\EAF__\1994\05\12 2328-10L.S199405 Reading events for base EAF 612 # 222 12 May 1994 23:28 10 R ? # 223 13 May 1994 1: 1 37 L ? # 224 13 May 1994 1:16 44 L ? q Stop Program terminated.
When the interactive location is finished, the database should
be updated, see section 7.
Using EEV on a subset of events or using alternative databases:
Since the EEV procedure or the HYP program will work on an index file, the user can create a subset of his own interesting events to work with by creating his own index file with just these events. The index file can be created by searching through the database using SELECT or it can be created manually with the C-command in EEV.
Local database:
If data is extracted by using the COLLECT or SELECT and then split up again using SPLIT, it is possible to keep all files in a working directory by not specifying database when splitting up. Another simple way is to use the Copy function in EEV and copy directly from a named data base to the local data base. Programs will then look for S-files in the current directory instead of in the database.
In addition to working with index files, there is also the possibility of storing data in different databases. By default, the data is always stored in the default data base set by DEF_BASE, here BER. However, the user can also create another database structure (file structure) with another name and programs and procedures will work on that database too. There are some restrictions: The new database, which is a subdirectory under SEISMO/REA, just like BER, MUST have a 1-5 letter name. Currently, the alternative database is used in our Institute to store data from other agencies like NAO, which in some cases are copied to our own database (C-command under EEV). The name DELET is reserved for the DELET database, which is always present.