- Many bugs fixed.
- GMAP program now converts the place_names.eev file in DAT to KML.
- NETDET, real time event detection.
- GET_ARC_CHANNELS added, find the list of channels in an archive.
- WAV_ADD, adds waveform file names to a data base from a list in filenr.lis.
- SCPNOR, extracts Nordic files for events in SeisComp.
- HARNOR can now also read MT solutions from Gisolai as made by SeisComp.
- MAPG has many new options.
- EEV has an option to plot magnitude residuals, PMR
- EEV can delete several events, DM
- HYP can now use geolocation from file in DAT
- SPEC has new option for kappa.
- KAPPA, a new program for calculating kappa only.
- KAPP_SORT: analysis of kappa values.
- BACKUP_SFILES, automatic backup of an S-file data base.