Changes since version 10.0:
The main change is the SeisanExplorer has been more intgrated with
SEISAN and can be used with many new functions. Other changes are:
- New program to make automatic spectra and amplitudes, AUTOMAG, also used in EEV, based on AUTOSIG.
- New program: RDSEED2SEISAN - use it to get SEED metadata into SEISAN
- Program DELS to deelte par of S-file, like all S-readings. Als option form EEV
- MULPLT can use arrows to scale amplitudes
- Options in EEV to plot Ml as a functions of distance and seismic moment as a function of arrival time
- New and improved CLUSTER program
- new program ASSO for events association, also use magnitude as a criteria, mainly for seismic hazard
- R command in EEV can now be used to rename event type (L, R or D) and to change event ID e.g. LE or LP (use LB for blank)
- All programs using the REA data base carnb now work back to year 0000
- MULPLT changes: new parameter in MULPLT.DEF to fix the filter, set a center station for muplt_area option, set output format for Out option
- New options in EEV-MULPLT to deal with archives, particularly the use of wild cards. In S-file there is no longer a differenciation between, SCP and BUD, both are now called ARC and the archive type is given in SEISAN.DEF
- filenr.lis file now up to 99999 files
- New sample program sample_resp_correction