SEISAN EXPLORER has seen a major upgrade with the location interface and the integration with MULPLT. It is now possible to work with picking phases in MULPLT and immdiately see the results in the location window. In addtion there are other major changes.
Bug in MULPLT Continous on screen has been fixed, the bug was introduced in version 10.5
MSCUT: Can now be used to cut large miniseed files into files with a shorter duration in minutes, where 60 modulo duration is equal to zero.
EEV has new options: ste and std for setting and unsetting start flags, ep to see the print.out file
EEV can plot fault plane solution on a map option MAPF
Include program MOPAD to plot moment tensor solutions, option fm in EEV
A new program PLOTFOC to plot fault plane solutions
from a CAT-file without need for relocating event. Also in EEV with command 'foo'.
A new option in EEV to compare the P and T axis of two fault plane solutions, fd
A new version of the AUTO program that can run anyone or a combination of the programs AUTOPHASE, AUTOPIC, HYP, AUTOMAG, AUTORATIO, FPFIT and HASH in loop of many events
FOCMEC has been updated with the latest FOCMEC program from Snoke and
it can now used relative polarity weight and has a better treatment of
amplitudes near nodal planes. The old version can still be used (f_old) in
A new sample program, SAMPLE_READ_WRITE_S_C, writen in c++, can read
and write S-files in C++ and provides a structure with all the variables.
An updated Seisan_explorer with graphical locate interface.
Specctrograms can be made from MULPLT or with program SPECTROGRAM, see section 8.13.
A new progrm MAP which runs EPIMAP without questions, only the input file.
A new progrm MAPG which makes a map in GMT without questions, only the input file or data base is needed. Also plots fault plane solutions. Also works with command MAPG in EEV.
New options in EEV: STE: Set or unset start loction, STD. Set or unset
start location depth, FIXO: Fix origin time.
A new program, GET_WEB_LOCATIONs to download hypocenter information from
web sites, so far implemented with USGS.
New magnitude scale MN or mb(Pn/Sn) for Pn and Sn at regional scale is implemented.