The SEISAN software libaray include two subroutines for geodetic computations using the WGS84 ellipsoid:
vincenty_forward(lon,lat,azi,dist) and vincenty_inverse(lo,la,lo2,la2)
vincenty_forward(lon,lat,azi,dist) computes the lat and lon for a point at an azimuth and distance (meter) from the point given by input lon and lat. Output lon and lat are returned at the position of input lon and lat.
vincenty_inverse(lo,la,lo2,la2) computes the azimuth, back-azumith and distance between the two points lo,la,lo2,la2. Outout azimuth, back-azumith and distance (meters) are returned at the position of lo,la,lo2.
The code is based on the code at
see also
Please check for bugs before use.
C program example that show how to call the Vincenty routines: double precision lo,la,azi,dist,lo2,la2 real lon,lat lon=12.8833 lat=56.54 azi=0.0D0 dist=111000.0D0 ! meters lo=DBLE(lon) la=DBLE(lat) lo2=DBLE(lon) la2=DBLE(lat) write(*,*)"lonlat:",lo,la do i=1,3 write(*,*)"FORWARD:" lo=DBLE(lon) la=DBLE(lat) write(*,*)"Input [lon,lat,azi,dist]:",lo,la,azi,dist write(*,*)"Input: lo1 la1 lo2 la2:",lo,la,lo2,la2 call vincenty_inverse(lo,la,lo2,la2) write(*,*)"Output: [azi,baz,dist]",lo,la,lo2 azi=azi+DBLE(90.0) write(*,*)"-----------------------------------" enddo end C End of example