27.1.3 Output files


A file called codaq.out is generated. It contains a copy of the parameter file, one line for each event station combination accepted by the program (correlation and s/n ratio) and the average \bgroup\color{black}$q$\egroup values. The \bgroup\color{black}$q$\egroup values are averaged directly (indicated by \bgroup\color{black}$q$\egroup) and \bgroup\color{black}$1/q$\egroup are averaged (indicated by \bgroup\color{black}$1/q$\egroup). At the end are the fits to the \bgroup\color{black}$q = q0*f**v$\egroup relation. A summary of codaq.out is given in codaq1.out This relation is calulated using the average Q-values for each frequency and each average is weighted by the number of observations used to calculate the average.


Output of codaq midpoints, codaq.area. For each accepted Q value, the midpoint between the station and the event together with the corresponding Q and frequency is saved in the file, see example below

2009 117201030 LYN   BH Z  34.58 112.67    1.0   91.2    1.1   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH Z  34.58 112.67    2.0  223.9    2.7   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH Z  34.58 112.67    4.0  444.0    6.9   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH Z  34.58 112.67    8.0  833.4   11.9   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH Z  34.58 112.67   16.0 1324.1   16.6   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH N  34.58 112.67    1.0  132.2    2.0   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH N  34.58 112.67    2.0  255.3    4.7   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH N  34.58 112.67    4.0  374.2    4.6   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH N  34.58 112.67    8.0  683.0    8.3   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH N  34.58 112.67   16.0 1252.1   14.9   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH E  34.58 112.67    1.0   92.0    0.6   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH E  34.58 112.67    2.0  156.8    1.5   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH E  34.58 112.67    4.0  330.3    4.2   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH E  34.58 112.67    8.0  652.5    7.4   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 117201030 LYN   BH E  34.58 112.67   16.0 1167.3   13.8   10.0   37.5   38.8
2009 3 11636 0 YMG   BH Z  39.43 112.73    1.0   70.0    0.4   13.3    0.0   13.3
The content is: Event date, station code, component,lat -lon of midpoint, frequency, Q, sd in Q, depth, epicentral distance and hypocentral distance. This information can be used to plot the areal variation in Q and SEISAN provides one such program, CODAQ_AREA, see below. It can also be used for statistics with QSTAT, see below.


A file called codaq.index is created. This index file contains all the events accepted for calculating the codaq values and can therefore e.g. be used for making an epicenter map of events actually used (use collect with the index file)


Output file codaq1.out contains the same output as codaq.out except there is no print out for each event. Additionally it has the average results for each station/component.

Example of codaq.out:

start in s-times                             2.00
absolute start time (sec)                    0.00
window length (sec)                         15.00
spreading parameter                          1.00
constant v in q = q0*f**v                    1.00
minimum signal to noise ratio                5.00
noise window in front of signal and len     15.00      5.00
minimum correlation coefficient              0.50
maximum counts to use                      500000
ASK  SUE  KMY  EGD  HYA                                                        
S  Z S  Z S  Z S  Z S  Z                                                                                                                             
  1996 6 7132458 KMY   tc  41.3  f 16.0  s/n 37.4  Q 1077  corr -0.55  rms 0.30
  1996 625 33715 ASK   tc  87.2  f  4.0  s/n121.9  Q  340  corr -0.60  rms 0.19
  1996 625 33715 ASK   tc  87.2  f  8.0  s/n 72.5  Q  551  corr -0.56  rms 0.28
  1996 625 337 5 SUE   tc  57.3  f  4.0  s/n 96.9  Q  193  corr -0.61  rms 0.34
  1996 625 33730 KMY   tc 143.5  f  8.0  s/n 13.6  Q  506  corr -0.61  rms 0.27
  1996 625 33653 HYA   tc  84.4  f  2.0  s/n 51.5  Q  288  corr -0.54  rms 0.12
  1996 625 33653 HYA   tc  84.4  f  4.0  s/n239.5  Q  427  corr -0.56  rms 0.17
  1996 625 33653 HYA   tc  84.4  f  8.0  s/n112.1  Q  504  corr -0.61  rms 0.27
 Freq      2.00     4.00     8.00    16.00
 Band      1.00     2.00     4.00     8.00

        AV Q  SD AV Q  SD AV Q  SD AV Q  SD

 NT=  8    N=  1    N=  3    N=  3    N=  1    N=
    q    288   0  320 118  520  27 1077   0
  1/q    288   0  287 123  519  26 1077   0
f:1/q    206  91  333 147  537 237  867 382
    q   cq0= 84  sd= 37  q0=143  sd= 49  v= 0.65  sd= 0.16  cor= 0.94           
  1/q   cq0= 82  sd= 38  q0=128  sd= 57  v= 0.69  sd= 0.20  cor= 0.93           
  Corr: 0.540.00 0.590.03 0.590.03 0.550.00
  Average lapse time with sd       83.704498       29.501974

Above, the one line per q calculations is showing results from different stations. Only the traces selected (fulfilling selection criteria) are shown. The time indicated, is the start time in the waveform file for that particular station. In general, the start time for each channel of digital data would be different. If some data is missing, it is also show in the codaq.out file. Corr is the average correlation coefficient (with standard deviation) for the data selected for that frequency. The average lapse time is the average of the tc - values.


Q-values at each frequency xx is given in file codaq08.statis for e.g. 8 Hz. The file can be used to plot the results with other programs.


the files give a summary of the runs, e.g.

ntotal= 1096 q0= 68 sd= 3 v= 0.95 sd= 0.02 cor= 1.00


The file gives the average values for each station, see example below:

LYN        n=   21 q10=  622  q0= 64  sd=  4  v= 0.99  sd= 0.03  cor= 1.00
YMG        n=   88 q10=  570  q0= 68  sd=  6  v= 0.92  sd= 0.04  cor= 1.00
DAX        n=   16 q10=  701  q0= 78  sd=  7  v= 0.95  sd= 0.04  cor= 1.00
TIY        n=   38 q10=  668  q0= 81  sd=  9  v= 0.92  sd= 0.06  cor= 0.99
XAX        n=   40 q10=  605  q0= 67  sd= 10  v= 0.95  sd= 0.07  cor= 0.99
LIF        n=   50 q10=  719  q0= 57  sd=  3  v= 1.10  sd= 0.03  cor= 1.00
HEYT       n=   12 q10=  676  q0= 77  sd= 18  v= 0.94  sd= 0.12  cor= 0.98
KEL        n=   34 q10=  666  q0= 60  sd=  6  v= 1.05  sd= 0.05  cor= 1.00
DOS        n=  105 q10=  629  q0= 63  sd=  4  v= 1.00  sd= 0.04  cor= 1.00
TAG        n=   24 q10=  694  q0= 73  sd=  8  v= 0.98  sd= 0.06  cor= 0.99
JIC        n=   90 q10=  663  q0= 79  sd=  5  v= 0.92  sd= 0.03  cor= 1.00
SZZ        n=   72 q10=  617  q0= 80  sd=  4  v= 0.89  sd= 0.03  cor= 1.00
HSH        n=  114 q10=  511  q0= 78  sd=  2  v= 0.82  sd= 0.01  cor= 1.00
HZH        n=   16 q10=  698  q0= 75  sd=  5  v= 0.97  sd= 0.03  cor= 1.00
JIN        n=   10 q10=  706  q0= 74  sd=  6  v= 0.98  sd= 0.04  cor= 1.00
GUJ        n=   12 q10=  756  q0= 71  sd= 14  v= 1.03  sd= 0.10  cor= 0.99
LIS        n=    4 q10=  651  q0=125  sd=  0  v= 0.72  sd= 0.00  cor= 1.00
XIY        n=   11 q10=  492  q0= 61  sd= 22  v= 0.91  sd= 0.16  cor= 0.96
YUQ        n=   52 q10=  598  q0= 62  sd=  5  v= 0.98  sd= 0.04  cor= 1.00
YAY        n=   81 q10=  621  q0= 66  sd=  5  v= 0.98  sd= 0.04  cor= 1.00
HMA        n=   22 q10=  638  q0= 76  sd=  3  v= 0.92  sd= 0.02  cor= 1.00

codaq.area.nor This file gives the midpoint coordinates in Nordic format so ready to plot with epimap and other mapping programs. Example below.

 1999  210 1052 56.0 L  38.946  -9.168                  3.0XXXX                1
 1999  210 1052 56.0 L  38.946  -9.168                  3.0XXXX                1
 1999  210 1052 56.0 L  38.946  -9.168                  3.0XXXX                1
 1999  210 1052 56.0 L  38.946  -9.168                  3.0XXXX                1
 1999  210 1052 56.0 L  39.092  -9.118                  3.0XXXX                1
 1999  210 1052 56.0 L  39.092  -9.118                  3.0XXXX                1
 1999  210 1052 56.0 L  39.092  -9.118                  3.0XXXX                1
 1999  210 1052 56.0 L  39.092  -9.118                  3.0XXXX                1


This file is a MAP type file containing just two points for each contour, the epicenter and the station location for accepted Q-values. The file can be used with EPIMAP to plot a line between the station and the epicenter. Am example is:

  43.980  39.267  43.936  39.481
  43.980  39.267  43.936  39.481
  43.980  39.267  43.936  39.481
  43.980  39.267  43.936  39.481
  43.980  39.267  43.936  39.481
  43.980  39.267  43.936  39.481
  43.697  40.333  43.700  40.265
  43.697  40.333  43.700  40.265

In the DAT directory, there is an example codaq.par and codaq.inp set up to run on PC assuming that SEISAN has been installed under
seismo. If installed differently, edit the codaq.inp file to reflect the installation. For Unix testing, the codaq.inp MUST be edited to reflect the installation path or the file is regenerated using EEV as described above.