8.15 Setting MULPLT parameters, MULPLT.DEF

In the MULPLT.DEF and the SEISAN.DEF files, it is possible to set the various parameters for MULPLT. Nearly all parameters are set in the MULPLT.DEF except geometrical distance parameters, which are set in SEISAN.DEF since these parameters also are used by HYP. MULPLT will operate without DEF-files using hardwired defaults. The MULPLT.DEF can be located in the working directory and or in DAT. The if a DEF-file is present in the working directory, it overrides the file in DAT. In MULPLT.DEF, several groups of parameters can be set: The keyboard, default channels to use and analysis parameters (e.g. for spectral analysis). The parameters are identified by keywords, see example file below for explanation. Note that all numbers given in file are real and must be given a '.'

Example file:

This file is for defaults for MULPLT and called MULPLT.DEF. The name must be in upper case on SUN. The following shows the parameters, which can be set. The file can contain any number of lines in any order, only the lines with recognized keywords and a non blank field under Par 1 will be read. Numbers under Par1 and Par2 must be given as reals. The comments have no importance.

This file is for defaults for MULPLT and called MULPLT.DEF. The name must
be in upper case on Linux. The following shows the parameters which can be set.
The file can contain any lines in any order, only the lines with 
recognized keywords and a non blank field under Par 1 will be read.  The two
parameters are in column 41-50 and 51-60, repectively. The
comments have no importance. Blank means default is used. The numbers in Par 1
and Par 2 are always real numbers and anc be placed anywhere withing the 10 

KEYWORD............Comments.............Par 1.....Par 2

*** Screen appearance ***

X_SCREEN_SIZE      Size in pixels       90.0
NCHAN PER SCREEN   # chan pr screen
NSORT_DISTANCE     0: no, 1: yes 
RESOLUTIONX        # points pl. screen  1500.0
RESOLUTIONHC       # points pl. hc      3000.0
PLOT DISTANCE      0: no 1: epi 2: hyp  1.0
#BANDPASS FILTER    Default filter       4.5       9.6   
CHANNEL SORTING    Sort channels        1.0

*** Channel selection ***

#DEFAULT CHANNEL                         TRO       S  Z
MULPLT AREA                             0.0
MULPLT LAT LON                          60.0      5.0
MULPLT RADIUS                           2.0
MULPLT STAT                             BER

*** Key assignments, see also filters for processing        ****
*** Do not use keys with fixed assignment, 1 to + are free  ****           

# Example of using 1 and 2 for P and S, uncomment to use
#PHASE NAME KEY     Phase key and phase  1         IP                  
#PHASE NAME KEY                          2         IS
PHASE WEIGHT KEY   Weight key and weight                     
PHASE MOUSE KEY    Mouse key character

*** Filters for processing ***

### Set Filter type 0 for bndpas 1 for recfil routine
FILTER TYPE                             0.0
### Setup user-defined filters
FILTER 1                                0.01      0.1
FILTER 2                                0.1       1.0
FILTER 3                                1.0       5.0
FILTER 4                                5.0       10.0
FILTER 5                                10.0      15.0
FILTER 6                                15.0      25.0
FILTER 7                                2.0       4.0

*** Spectral analysis ***

SPECTRAL Q0        Q0                   440.0 
SPECTRAL QALPHA    Q = Q0**Qalpha       0.70 
SPECTRAL KAPPA                            
SPECTRAL P-VELOCITY P velocity          6.2 
SPECTRAL S-VELOCITY S velocity          3.6
SPECTRAL MODEL      0 no 1 yes          1.0
SPECTRAL OUTPUT   Makes a file          1.0
SPECTRAL F-BAND   Spectral band to show 0.01      20.0

*** Spectrogram ***

SPECTROGRAM COMMAND                     spectrogram.py
SPECTROGRAM WINDOW                      60.0
SPECTROGRAM FILTER                      2.0
SPECTROGRAM PLOT TRACE                  1.0

*** Three component analysis ***

3COMP VELOCITY     velocity for 3 comp  

*** Magnitude ***

AUTOCODA FILTER                         0.1       10.0
AUTOCODA STA                            3.0
AUTOCODA RATIO                          1.2
CODA AUTO                               0.0 
#ML LOW CUT AND POLES                    1.25      8.0
#ML HIGH CUT AND POLES                   20.       8.0

*** Auto processing ***

AUTO_LOCATE        0,1,2       0,1,2    0.0       2.0
AUTO_PROCESS       0,1,2       name     0.0       ls 

*** Format of waveform output ***           


All parameters are within column 41 and 60 and each occupying up to 10 characters.

NOTE: If any of the phase or weight keys are redefined, all previous defaults disappear.

DEFAULT CHANNEL: All channels are default if not given. For routine display, it is useful to only select some channels.

PHASE NAME KEY: The keys associated with given phases. Remember that I, E or a blank MUST be part of the name so it is not possible to chose a name like "P", it must then be " P" (note the blank in front of P). About 10 phase combinations are currently default as seen on the pick display. If a new phase key is selected, you must define all the keys you want to use for phases including all the predefined phases. The combined onset/phase key can be up to 9 characters.

PHASE WEIGHT KEY: The defaults are upper case 1,2,... to 0 for weights 1,2,... to 0 . Again, choosing just one other key, and all must be redefined. The symbol must be in column 41 and the weight in column 51. The weight is an integer 0, 1,2,3, 4 or 9.

PHASE MOUSE KEY: The default is blank. Normally no redefinition is needed since the mouse character is defined in SEISAN. The key can be defined as a character or the ASCII code written as a real number.

SPECTRAL P-VELOCITY: P-velocity in km/sec, default 6 km/sec

SPECTRAL S-VELOCITY: S-velocity in km/sec, default 3.5 km/sec Both above parameters must be set separately, the Vp/Vs in STATION0.HYP is not used to calculate one from the other. The values go into the S-file the first time spectra are calculated. if values are changed later in the MULPLT.DEF file, no change will be made in the S-file, old values remain.

SPECTRAL Q0: \bgroup\color{black}$Q$\egroup is defined as \bgroup\color{black}$q0 * f**qalpha$\egroup, default 0 meaning no Q-correction. For f < 1 Hz, Q=q0 (new from version 10.1).

SPECTRAL QALPHA : See above, default 1.0, NOTE: Q is only used when doing spectral analysis and has no effect on the displacement seismograms.

SPECTRAL DENSITY: Density for spectral analysis (g/cm**3), default 3.5 g/cm**3

SPECTRAL KAPPA: Near surface attenuation, default 0.0 meaning no attenuation. For teleseismic events, this is t*.

SPECTRAL GEO_DEPTHS: Depth range where geometrical spreading changes from surface wave to body wave spreading, S-waves only. Default 50 and 100 km. This is only used if distance is larger than HERKIJ_DISTANCE. THIS PARAMETER IS NOT SET IN MULPLT.DEF, BUT IN SEISAN.DEF, MENTIONED HERE SINCE IT IS IMPORTANT FOR SPECTRA.

SPECTROGRAM COMMAND: External command to compute spectrogram for single trace that can be started from MULPLT in multi trace mode (command 'E').

HERKIJ_DISTANCE: Epicentral distance at which geometrical spreading changes from body wave spreading to surface wave spreading, S-waves only. Default 100 km. THIS PARAMETER IS NOT SET IN MULPLT.DEF, BUT IN SEISAN.DEF, MENTIONED HERE SINCE IMPORTANT FOR SPECTRA

3COMPVELOCITY: Velocity used (km/sec) in 3 component azimuth analysis. Default is 5 km/sec.

CHANNEL SORTING: If set to 1.0, channels and filenames are sorted alphabetically, if 0.0, no sorting. Default = blank is sorting.

NCHAN PER SCREEN: The number of channels to be displayed per screen. Default = blank is 99 channels. It may conflict with DEFAULT CHANNEL.

NSORT_DISTANCE: If blank or zero, channels are plotted in the order as they appear in the waveform file or in alphabetical order if flag CHANNEL SORTING is set. If set to 1.0, the channels are plotted in distance order with respect to the epicenter or if no epicenter is given with respect to the location of the station that has the first pick. If not plotted from EEV, 1.0 will indicate sorting in waveform file header time order. Default 0.

X_SCREEN_SIZE: Size of initial X-window in % of total screen. Default 90 %.

RESOLUTIONX and RESOLUTIONHC is the number of points plotted on the screen or laser printer respectively. If e.g. 1000 points are plotted, this means that the remaining points are skipped although some primitive smoothing is done. Choosing too few points can lead to funny looking seismograms with aliasing effects and using all points will slow down the plotting. Resolutionx is for the screen and resolutionhc for the hardcopy. NOTE: If using MULPLT mode where both screen and hardcopy is used, it is the hardcopy resolution, which is used for both. Default 1000 and 3000 respectively.

PLOT DISTANCE: If set to 1.0 plot epicentral distance, if set to 2.0 plot hypocentral distance an dif set to 0.0, do not plot distance. Distance is only plotted on multi trace plots, just after the DC. Distance is in km.

SPECTRAL F-BAND: Spectral range (Hz) used for spectral plots. Default values are 0.05 to 20.0 Hz.

AUTO_PROCESS: Immediately following registration, MULPLT can run any program specified here. Since the event name has been put into memory, the program can operate on the newly registered S-file. Parameter one has the options: 0: Do not auto process, 2: Ask the user if autoprocess, 3: Autoprocess without asking the user. Parameter 2 gives the name of the process to run. The name is limited to 10 characters. Default, no auto processing.

AUTO_LOCATE: Immediately following registration, MULPLT can locate the newly registered event and put the location into the database. Parameter one has the options: 0: Do not locate, 1: Ask the user if locate, 2: Locate without asking the user. Parameter 2: 0: Do not save in database, 1: Ask if saving in database, 2: Automatically save in database. Default, no auto locate.

SPECTRAL OUTPUT: If parameter set to 1, two output files are created for each signal spectrum. com_spec.out is the complex spectrum and amp_spec.out is the real spectrum. Default 0.0. In addition, the single trace zoom window is saved in signal.out.

FILTER: Change definition of filters 1 to 7. The settings affect both the shortcut keys and the menu boxes.

MULPLT WAV OUT FORMAT: The output format when using Out function, default is SEISAN. The options are the same as available in WAVETOOL.

ML LOW CUT AND POLES and ML HIGH CUT AND POLES: Filter band for Wood Anderson additional filter. Recommanded values are 1.25 Hz to 20 Hz and 4 poles. Note, poles are always 4 whatever is specified.

BANDPASS FILTER: When using all defaults from EEV (option PO), a bandpass filter can be set. Default is no filter. The parameters are lowcut and highcut for parameter one and two respectively. 4 poles only.

FIX FILTER: When using alldefaults from EEV (option PO), a bandpass filter can be set, see parameter BANDPASS FILTER. The filter can be fixed with parameter FIX FILTER: 1.0 =fix filter, 0=no fix. Fixing means that in all operation the filter will remain.

CODA AUTO: Enable automatic coda determination (YES or NO). Default is NO. If enabled, auto coda is read with c instead of C.

AUTOCODA FILTER : Filter band for automatic coda: Default 5 to 10 Hz.

AUTOCODA STA: Auto coda short term average: Default 5.0 secs.

AUTOCODA RATIO : Autocoda ratio. Default 1.5.

MULPLT AREA : Options for plotting stations in a given distance from a midpoint. 0: do not select option (default) 1: midpoint from s-filei epicenter, radius from MULPLT.DEF, 2: midpoint from MULPLT.DEF, radius interactive 3: midpoint and radius from MULPLT.DEF, 4: midpoint from MULPLT.DEF, radius interactive, 5: midpoint and radius interactive, 6: Midpoint from a station in MULPLT.DEF, radius from MULPLT.DEF 7: Midpoint station asked at start of MULPLT, radius from MULPLT.DEF 8: Both midpoint station and radius asked at start of MULPLT


MULPLT STAT : Station for midpoint

MULPLT RADIUS : Radius in degrees

SPECTROGRAM COMMAND: name of spectrogram program

SPECTROGRAM WINDOW: window lenght of spectrogram

SPECTROGRAM FILTER: frequency of high pass filter for spectrogram, if zero no filter is used

SPECTROGRAM PLOT TRACE: if zero, no plot, if 1.0 plot trace