The SEISAN system is built of programs made by many different individuals without whom it would never have been possible to make SEISAN. Acknowledgement is made throughout the manual where appropriate or in the acknowledgement section at the end. SEISAN now contains so many programs that when a new version is released, it is not possible to check all the options in all programs and we rely on the user to help finding the bugs, please report!

SEISAN is freely available for all non-commercial use.

What does it mean that SEISAN is free of charge. It means that you pay with your time, by helping other SEISAN users or by improving the software either by adding new code, improving old code or just by reporting bugs in SEISAN. If you have funding to pay for changes in SEISAN please let us know.

Your use of SEISAN is at your own risk.

Jens Havskov - Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
Lars Ottemöller - Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
Peter Voss - Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

And have a nice day!
Jens Havskov Lars Ottemoller Peter Voss
The SEISAN webpage is hosted by The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). Please contact Peter regarding the webpage.