7.1.16 Running HYP

The program is started with command HYP from the prompt line (interactive mode) or with `L' in EEV or SE. HYP can also be started with an argument like hyp input.dat, where input.dat is an S-file. The first event in the S-file will then be located without further user interaction. Other prompt options (mainly used in connection with EEV) are

-seisanexp Use with SE

-update Stop at end of run, ask if update and overwrite input file

-op XXX Operator XXX to use in -update option chosen

-mag_agency_only XXX Only use observarions from operator XXX as given on phase line

-reject Run in reject mode (reject large residuals)

Below follows an example of running outside EEV, explanations are in lower case. Note that the STATION0.HYP file MUST be present in the DAT directory for HYP to know that it is working with a SEISAN database. If not present, HYP will only ask for an input file name, see HYP manual.

Arrival time data input, select one:

  SEISAN database or                              : RETURN
  Alternative database, give 1-5 letter code      :
  Local index file, name must start with index or : 
  Local database, write ,, or                     :
  File name for one file in NORDIC format         :

                	Your answer here  determines  the input                 
source. A return means that you work directly on the BER database. A 1-5 letter 
code gives name of database, e.g. NAO. An index file or the name of a readings 
file  is used when you want to work on specific subsets.
                   Local database is S-files in local directory.

 Start Time           (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) : 199012
 End Time, RETURN is to end of month   : 19901205 
          		Standard formatted time input.

 Interactive operation (N/Y=return)
                	If N, whole time interval or file is located, one line output pr event.  

#  1   1992 12 3 0137 40.3 NPHS=   12  T Q L #XXX  
#  2   1992 12 3 0237 43.3 NPHS=   14  T Q L #XXX  l   ! now locate 
here comes location, see HYP manual***************************** 
#  2   1992 12 3 0237 43.3 NPHS=   14  T Q L #XXX  q   ! stop 

 Summary file in hypsum.out

In interactive mode, as shown above, event date is printed out for each event and action is taken as in EEV for the options available. If HYP run on a single file, the options above are available meaning that HYP can select and locate different events in a single file using the event number. If HYP runs on a database, the EEV options D and B are also available, but not shown. If the option of no interactive input is chosen, the program will locate from beginning to end without any more user interaction. This is a useful option for testing a subset of the database with different models etc. without changing the database. Note that the input file or database is never overwritten by HYP.

ALL TYPE ONE LINES WITH SAME AGENCY AS GIVEN IN STATIONX.HYP FILE WILL BE DELETED SO THERE WILL NEVER BE MORE THAN ONE TYPE 1 LINE IN OUTPUT WITH CURRENT AGENCY (except possibly a second magnitude line with a different type magnitude as given on main header line).

Problems: Sometimes HYP will not locate an event, look in the print.out file to see what happened. In EEV this can be done with command ep. In some cases, the initial location was put beyond the limits set by the parameters. If e.g. an event is defined as a local event and no readings are to be used further away than 2000 km (distance weighting, see following table or TEST(41)) then no location will be attempted. Try to change the event type to D and see if the event locates. In a few other cases it might be an advantage to use a starting location.