5.3.3 Backup of S-file data base

The program collects all S-files in a given time interval for a given data base and optionally compresses the output file. The input is only from the prompt:

options: -start_time: time to start yyymmddhhmmss, at least yyyy,
                        if not given, use 1900.  if less than 1000
                        it is number of days back from current time.

           -end_time  : time to end, if not given, use current time

           -base_name : data base, if not given use default data base

           -out       : directory ending with / where files are written
                        if not given, working directory is used

           -out_full  : complete name and path, no date and base in name

           -compress  : name of compress program, if blank no compression

	   -location  : if given, only files with a location are selected

The option of going back a number of days from current time is intended to be use to make e.g. a map of recent activity.

If using all defaults, the program will collect all data in the default data base from 1900 to the current date and write a file with a name like


The program can be operated manually. However, it is intended to be used with a cron job to automatically backup an S-file data base. In COM, there is an example script to be used for a cron job, e.g.

#  directory where backup_sfiles is running and backup 
#  files are written by default 
cd /home/seismo/backup_sfiles 
#   define env variables 
source /home/seismo/COM/SEISAN.csh 
#  start backup_sfiles 
/home/seismo/PRO/backup_sfiles -start_time 200201 -base_name ISC  >/dev/null 
#  all in default data base compressed 
#/home/seismo/PRO/backup_sfiles -compress gzip   >/dev/null 