A. The Nordic format

The main purpose of the Nordic format is to provide parametric data on seismic events. In SEISAN the Nordic format is also used to link events to waveform data etc.

The Nordic format has 2 versions, Nordic and from SEISAN version 12.0, also Nordic2. Nordic2 has more parameters, however SEISAN operated on both formats.

Each line is always 80 characters long and the last character defines the type of line.

The definition of each type of line is given below under the "FORMAT DESCRIPTION".

Free columns are included for two purposes:

  1. To obtain a readable format
  2. To have some space for possible future extensions


Here are a few examples on the format:

Nordic2 format:

 1996  6 7 1325 29.2 L  59.846   5.130 12.0F TES 12 .60 1.9LTES 2.2CTES 2.0LNAO1
 GAP=177        2.78       4.5    12.80.000  0.2239E+02  0.6258E+03 -0.2817E+03E
 1996  6 7 1325 30.5 L  59.763   5.396 29.2  NAO  2 1.0                 2.0LNAO1
       8.3      41.0      74.7     1                                           F
 1996-06-07-1324-51S.TEST__009                                                 6
 ACTION:SPL 14-12-11 12:04 OP:jh   STATUS:               ID:19960607132529 L   I
 EGD  HHZ NS   IP       4 1325 35.950      C       BER jh 120.0-1.131047.70   6 
 EGD  HHZ NS    END       1325 35.950  111.0       BER jh       0.0   47.70   6 
 EGD  HHZ NS    AMP       1325 35.950   11.1  33.3 BER jh             47.70   6 
 EGD  HHN NS   ES         1325 42.030              BER jh  70.0-.8901047.70   6 
 BER  BHZ NS00 IP         1325 38.120      C       kkk AUT     -.9801061.00  11 
 BER  BHZ NS00  END       1325 38.120   55.0       BER jh        4.8  61.00  11 
 BER  BHN NS00 ES         1325 45.440              BER jh  70.0-.9901061.00  11 
 BER  BHZ NS00  IAML     A1325 46.710   31.7  0.20 BER jh       0.4   61.00  11 
 KMY  BHZ NS10 IP         1325 40.260      C       PPP Ajh 70.0 .3301070.90 175 
 KMY  BHZ NS10  END       1325 40.260   62.0       BER jh             70.90 175 
 KMY  BHN NS10 ES         1325 48.740              BER jh   70.0.3001070.90 175 
 KMY  BHZ NS10  IAML      1325 48.920   83.6  0.20 BER jh             70.90 175 
 ASK  SHZ NS   EP       2 1325 39.590      D                   -1.031071.10   3 
 ASK  SHZ NS    END       1325 39.590   68.0                          71.10   3 
 ASK  SHZ NS   ES         1325 48.070                          -1.021071.10   3 
 ASK  SHZ NS    AMP       1325 48.070  333.3  2.20                    71.10   3 
 ASK  SHZ NS    IAML      1325 50.900  111.0  0.30                    71.10   3 
 NRA0 S Z       Pn       A1326 19.090                      50.0-.05010368.0  72 
 NRA0 S Z       END       1326 19.090  333.0                          368.0  72 
 NRA0 S Z       BAZ-P     1326 19.090  256.9   6.9                0.  368.0  72 
 NRA0 S Z       Pg        1326 27.940                          -.64010368.0  72 
 NRA0 S Z       BAZ       1326 27.940  253.0   7.3               -3.  368.0  72 
 NRA0 S Z       Lg        1327 10.540                          -.89010368.0  72 
 NRA0 S Z       BAZ       1327 10.540  266.6   4.1                9.  368.0  72

Coda has in Nordic2 phase name END
So far the Nordic2 format only affects type phase lines. SPEC lines also have a new format using Type S lines which can be read also when using Nordic format.

Nordic format:

 1996  6 3 1955 35.5 D  47.760 153.227  0.0  TES 12 1.1         5.6WHRV 5.6bPDE1
 GAP=348        2.88     999.9   999.9999.9 -0.1404E+08 -0.3810E+08  0.1205E+09E
 1996 0603 1955 31.8 D  46.787153.722  33.0  PDE        5.6bPDE                1
 ACTION:SPL 08-10-02 10:19 OP:jh   STATUS:               ID:19960603195540     I
 1996-06-03-2002-18S.TEST__012                                                 6
 1996-06-03-1917-52S.TEST__002                                                 6
 KBS  BZ EP       20 4 40.63                              23   -1.3210 5724 351 
 TRO  SZ EP       20 5 32.5                               21    1.7510 6471 343 
 LOF  SZ IP     C 20 5 46.68                              21   -0.1110 6729 344 
 JNW  SZ EP       20 5 49.5                               21    1.1910 6755 353 
 JMI  LZ I        20 8 27.35                                           6768 353 
 JMI  LZ I        2014 41.56                                           6768 353 
 JMI  LZ I        2021 25.49                                           6768 353 
 MOL  SZ IP     C 20 6 25.49                              19   -1.7410 7408 343 
 FOO  SZ EP       20 6 35.99                              19    0.1210 7559 344 
 HYA  SZ EP       20 6 36.91                              19   -0.1410 7580 343 
 SUE  SZ IP     C 20 6 39.07                              19   -0.2810 7621 344 
 KONO BZ IP     C 20 6 40.72                              19   -0.7010 7657 341 
 ASK  SZ EP   9   20 6 37.24                              19   -4.94 0 7671 344 
 BER  SZ EP   9   20 6 37.43                              19   -5.16 0 7678 344 
 EGD  SZ EP   9   20 6 38.42                              19   -4.95 0 7692 344 
 ODD1 SZ EP       20 6 45.57                              19    1.7310 7699 343 
 BLS5 SZ EP       20 6 46.33                              19   -0.5010 7753 343

Below are examples of how the last free columns of type phase lines are used in e.g. the Nordic Databank in Helsinki and in Bergen:

 1985 510 21 5 16.1 LE 60.240 6.170 30.0F BER  6 2.3 3.8LNAO 4.0bPDE 3.2sISC  1 
                1.5     0.5   0.9    5.0             0.4                      5
 8505210425.WNN                                                               6
 ACTION:UPD 93-07-09 09:40 OP:jens STATUS:               ID:19920101080359    I
 8505210425.WNN                                                               6
 ACTION:UPD 93-07-09 09:40 OP:jens STATUS:               ID:19920101080359    I
 NRSA SZ IPN  1 D 2105 13.44 0345 1234.6 1.33 245.2 08.6  22  2 -0.7 9  555 235
 BER  SZ IPG  2 U 2105 25.41  200
 HYA  SZ ISG  1   2105 33.1
 ODD  SZ IP   3   2105 20.1   250
 ODD  SZ EPG      2105 22.9
 ODD  SZ  LG      2105 55.8

Note in the below example the fault plane solution line(F) and the HYP error line(E)

 1993 1028 0800 26.4 L 57.518 7.119 18.8  BER  6  .6 2.6CBER                   1
 GAP=201        1.20    6.4   7.0    6.8   .3359E+01  -.2719E+00      .3054E+02E 
      93.2      74.8     -48.2     2                                           F
 ACTION:SPL 95-01-08 09:40 OP:jh   STATUS:               ID:19931028080019     I
 9310-28-0800-19S.NSN__17                                                      6
 BLS5 SZ EP     D 8  0 56.80  129                                -.110  216 349
 BLS5 SZ ESG      8  1 23.59                                     -.910  216 349
 BLS5 SZ EP       8  0 56.80  129                                -.110  216 349
 BLS5 SZ ESG      8  1 23.59                                     -.910  216 349 

Location parameters in phase lines under Type 7 is:
AR  : Azimuth residual when using azimuth information in locations
TRES: Travel time residual 
W   : Actual weight used for location ( inc. e.g. distance weight), i2
DIS : Epicentral distance in km
CAZ : Azimuth from event to station 

Note: Type 1 line must be the first, all phase type lines should be together and
the last line must be blank 

FORMAT DESCRIPTION, Type descriptions:

The details on the type lines is given below, the title us the used types is:

Type 1 line: Hypocenter line
Type 2 line: Macroseismic information 
Type 3 line: Comments
Type Phase lines Nordic2
Type Phase lines Nordic pre v12.0
Type 5 line: Error estimates of previous line, not used by any SEISAN programs.
Type 6 line: Waveform data file name or link to where waveform data is found.
Type 7 line: Title line for phases, fixed text, different for Nordic and Nordic2 format. 
Type E line: Hypocenter error estimate of prime hypocenter, only one E-line in S-file
Type F line: Fault plane solution
Type H line: High accuracy hypocenter line 
Type I line: ID line 
Type M line: Moment tensor solution 
Type P line: Picture file name
Type S line: Spectral parameters (new from verision 12)
Type E13 and EC3 line: Explosion information 
Type MACRO3 line: File name of macroseismic observations in ISO directory 


Type 1 line - Hypocenter line:

Columns Format Description                    Comments 
  1            Free 
  2- 5   I4    Year 
  6      A1    Can optinally be location program code if not Hyopocenter (blank)  
  7- 8   I2    Month 
  9-10   I2    Day of Month
 11            Fix o. time                    Normally blank, an F fixes origin time 
 12-13   I2    Hour 
 14-15   I2    Minutes 
 16            Free 
 17-20   F4.1  Seconds 
 21            Location model indicator       Any character
 22      A1    Distance Indicator             L = Local, R = Regional, D = Distant, etc.
 23      A1    Event ID                       E = Confirmed explosion
                                              P = Probable explosion
                                              V = Volcanic 
                                              Q = Confirmed earthquake
                                              ' ' = Presumed earthquake
                                              L = Landslide (was X)
                                              S = Acoustic signal
                                              I = triggered or induced
                                              O = confirmed other event
                                              C = Cryogenic event (e.g. ice quake)
                                              G = Glacial earthquake (subset of C)
                                              U = Unknown event type
 24-30   F7.3  Latitude                       Degrees (+ N)
 31-38   F8.3  Longitude                      Degrees (+ E)
 39-43   F5.1  Depth                          Km 
 44      A1    Depth Indicator                F = Fixed, S = Starting value
 45      A1    Locating indicator             ----------------------------, * do not locate 
 46-48   A3    Hypocenter Reporting Agency
 49-51         Number of Stations Used 
 52-55         RMS of Time Residuals 
 56-59  F4.1   Magnitude No. 1
 60 A1         Type of Magnitude L=ML, b=mb, B=mB, s=Ms, S=MS, W=MW, 
                                 G=MbLg (not used by SEISAN), C=Mc
 61-63  A3     Magnitude Reporting Agency
 64-67  F4.1   Magnitude No. 2
 68 A1         Type of Magnitude
 69-71  A3     Magnitude Reporting Agency
 72-75  F4.1   Magnitude No. 3
 76 A1         Type of Magnitude
 77-79  A3     Magnitude Reporting Agency
 80 A1         Type of this line ("1"), can be blank if first line of event 

If more than 3 magnitudes need to be associated with the hypocenter in the first line, a
subsequent additional type one line can be written with the same year, month, day until event
ID and hypocenter agency. The magnitudes on this line will then be associated with the main
header line and there is then room for 6 magnitudes. 

Column number example:
         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
 1996  6 3 1955 35.5 D  47.760 153.227  0.0  TES 12 1.1         5.6WHRV 5.6bPDE1

Type 2 line - Macroseismic information:

  1-5          Blank 
  6-20         a Any descriptive text
 21            Free 
 22    a1      Diastrophism code (PDE type)
                      F = Surface faulting 
                      U = Uplift or subsidence
                      D = Faulting and Uplift/Subsidence
 23    a1      Tsunami code (PDE type)
                      T = Tsunami generated 
                      Q = Possible tsunami 
 24    a1      Seiche code (PDE type)
                      S = Seiche 
                      Q = Possible seiche 
 25    a1      Cultural effects (PDE type)
                      C = Casualties reported 
                      D = Damage reported 
                      F = Earthquake was felt
                      H = Earthquake was heard
 26    a1      Unusual events (PDE type)
                      L = Liquefaction 
                      G = Geysir/fumerol 
                      S = Landslides/Avalanches 
                      B = Sand blows 
                      C = Cracking in the ground (not normal faulting).
                      V = Visual phenomena 
                      O = Olfactory phenomena
                      M = More than one of the above observed. 
 27            Free 
 28-29 i2      Max Intensity
 30    a1      Max Intensity qualifier
                      (+ or - indicating more precicely the intensity)
 31-32 a2      Intensity scale (ISC type defintions)
                      MM = Modified Mercalli    
                      RF = Rossi Forel 
                      CS = Mercalli - Cancani - Seberg
                      SK = Medevev - Sponheur - Karnik33 Free 
 34-39 f6.2    Macroseismic latitude (Decimal)
 40            Free 
 41-47 f7.2    Macroseismic longitude (Decimal)
 48            Free 
 49-51 f3.1    Macroseismic magnitude
 52    a1      Type of magnitudeI = Magnitude based on maximum Intensity.
                      A = Magnitude based on felt area.
                      R = Magnitude based on radius of felt area.
                      * = Magnitude calculated by use of special formulas
                          developed by some person for a certain area.
                          Further info should be given on line 3.
 53-56 f4.2    Logarithm (base 10) of radius of felt area.
 57-61 f5.2    Logarithm (base 10) of area (km**2) number 1 where
                      earthquake was felt exceeding a given intensity.
 62-63 i2      Intensity boardering the area number 1.
 64-68 f5.2    Logarithm (base 10) of area (km**2) number 2 where
                      earthquake was felt exceeding a given intensity.
 69-70 i2      Intensity boardering the area number 2.71 Free
 72    a1      Quality rank of the report (A, B, C, D) 73-75 a3 Reporting agency
 76-79         Free
 80    a1      Type of this line ("2") 

Type 3 line - Comments:

Columns Format Description 	Comments 

  1            Free 
  2-79 A       Text      	Anything (ASCII printable characters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII)
 80    A1      Type of this line ("3") 


 This type of line can be used to specify xnear, xfar and the starting depth for use with
HYPOCENTER. For example 

 XNEAR  200.0 XFAR  400.0 SDEP   15.0                                          3

   8-13  f6.1  Xnear 
  20-25  f6.1  Xfar 
  32-36  f5.1  Starting depth 

Type Phase lines Nordic2:

Type Phase lines has blank last char.

Columns Format Description Comments
1 Free
2- 6  A5 Station Name 
7-9   A3 Component, eg SHZ
10       Free
11-12 A2 Network code
13-14 A2 Location
15       Free
16    A1 Quality Indicator I, E, etc.
17-24 A8 Phase ID PN, PG, LG, P, S, etc. 
25    I1 Weighting Indicator (1-4) 0 or blank= full weight, 1=75%, 2=50%,
         3=25%,4=0%, 9: no weight, time (e.g. P-S).
26       Free or flag A to indicate automatic pick, removed when picking
27-28 I2 Hour Hour can be up to 48 to indicate next day
29-30 I2 Minutes
31       Free
32-37 F6.0 Seconds
38-44    Parameter 1. If a phase, it is polarity in column 44
                      If phase END for coda, it is duration(s)(F)
                      If amplitude phase, it is amplitude (G7) 
                          Amplitude is(Zero-Peak) in units of nm, 
                          nm/s, nm/s^2 or counts.
                      If back azimuth phase (BAZ), it a back azimuth (F)
45-50    Parameter 2  If a phase or END, it is blank
                      If an amplitude, it is period (F) 
                      If back azimuth phase, it is apparent velocity(km/s)
51         Free
52-54 A3   Agency 
55         Free
56-58 A3   Operator 
59         Free
60-63 F4.0 Angle of incidence
64-68 F5.1 Residual, can be travel time, back azimuth or magnitude
69-70 I2   Weight used, like 05 is 0.5
71-75 F5.0 Epicentral distance(km)
76 Free
77-79 I3   Azimuth at source
80 A1 Type of this line (" ")

Type Phase lines Nordic pre v12.0:

Type Phase lines has blank last char (in pre v12.0 manuals these lines could also be Type 4).

Columns Format Description 	Comments 

  1 Free 
  2- 6 A5 Station Name 	Blank = End of readings = end of event 
  7 A1 Instrument Type S = SP, I = IP, L = LP etc
  8 A1 Component 	Z, N, E ,T, R, 1, 2
  9 Free or weight, see note below 
 10 A1 Quality Indicator 	I, E, etc.
 11-14 A2 Phase ID 	PN, PG, LG, P, S, etc. **
 15 I1 Weighting Indicator (1-4) 0 or blank= full weight, 1=75%, 2=50%, 3=25%,4=0%, 9: no weight, use difference
             time (e.g. P-S).
 16 Free or flag A to indicate automartic pick, removed when picking
 17 A1 First Motion 	C, D
 18 Note: Currently 15 to 18 can also be used for phase assuming
            column 11-14 is not blank. See note ** below. 
 19-20 I2 Hour 	Hour can be up to 48 to
             indicate next day 

 21-22 I2 Minutes 
 23-28 F6.0 Seconds 
 29 Free 
 30-33 I4 Duration (to noise) 	Seconds 
 34-40 g7.1 Amplitude (Zero-Peak) in units of nm, nm/s, nm/s^2 or counts.
 41 Free 
 42-45 F4.0 Period 	Seconds 
 46 Free 
 47-51 F5.0 Direction of Approach, back azimuth 	Degrees
 52 Free 
 53-56 F4.0 Phase Velocity 	Km/second
 57-60 F4.0 Angle of incidence (was Signal to noise ratio before version 8.0)
 61-63 I3 Back azimuth residual 
 64-68 F5.1 Travel time residual 
 69-70 I2 Weight
 71-75 F5.0 Epicentral distance(km)
 76 Free 
 77-79 I3 Azimuth at source 
 80 A1 	Type of this line (" ").

NB: Epicentral distance: Had format I5 before version 7.2. All old lines can 
be read with format F5.0 with same results, but now distance can also be 
e.g. 1.23 km which cannot be read by earlier versions. However, an UPDATE 
would fix that.
  ** Long phase names: An 8 character phase can be used in column 11-18. There 
is then not room for polarity information. The weight is then put into column 9. 
This format is recognized by HYP and MULPLT. 

Type phase  cards should be followed by a Blank Card (Type 0) 

Type 5 line - Error estimates:

Error estimates of previous line, not used by any SEISAN program. 

Columns Format Description 	Comments 
  1 Free
  2-79 Error estimates in same format as previous line, normallytype 4
 80 A1 Type of this line ("5") 

Type 6 line - Waveform data:

Gives waveform data file name or link to where waveform data is found.
This is mostly a file name but can also be a reference to a position
in an archive. 

Columns Format Description 	Comments 
  1 Free 
  2-79  Name of  file or archive reference, a-format, 
 80     Type of this line ("6")

 1996-06-07-1324-51S.TEST__009                                                 6

Archive reference:

 ARC STAT  COM NT LO YYYY MMDD HHMM SS   DUR                                   3
 ARC ROSA  BHZ PM    2010 1011 0100 00 14400                                   6
 ARC _GSN            2010 1011 0100 00 14400                                   6

Columns Format Description 	Comments 
  1    Free
 2-04  Must be the keyword ARC
 5     Free
 6-10  Station (a5)
 11    Free
 12-14 Compoent (a3)
 15    Free
 16-17 network  (a2)
 18    Free
 19-20 Location (a2)
 21    Free
 22-38 Year,month,day,hour.min,sec (i4,1x,2i2,1x,2i2,1x,i2)
 39    Free
 40-44 Duration of extract (s), (i5)
 46-79 Free
 80    Type of this line ("6")
 If first station char is _ the following string defines a virtual network 
 code, see _GSN above. If it is a * all stations are read.

Type 7 line - Title line for phases, fixed text 
Columns Format Description 	Comments 

  1 Free
  2-79 A Help lines to place the numbers in right positions
 80 A1 Type of this line ("7") 

Example Nordic2 format:

Example Nordic format:

Type E line - Error estimate of hypocenter:

Before version 12.0 there was only one E-line in S-file which could only belong to 
the main hypocenter.
In order to know which E-line belongs to which 1-line, the location program indicator
and the agency must match. If only one E-line and no agency, it is assumed
it belongs to the main hypocenter. This ensures backwards compatibility. Multiple
E-lines can be used in both Nordic and Nordic2 format.

Columns Format Description

1 Free
2 - 5 A4 The text GAP=
6 - 8 I3 Gap
10:10 A1 Location program indicator, blank for Hypocenter (new from version 12)
11:11 Free
12:14 A3 Agency (new from version 12)
15-20 F6.2 Origin time error
25-30 F6.1 Latitude (y) error
31-32 Free
33-38 F6.1 Longitude (x) error (km)
39-43 F5.1 Depth (z) error (km)
44-55 E12.4 Covariance (x,y) km*km
56-67 E12.4 Covarience (x,z) km*km
68-79 E14.4 Covariance (y,z) km*km

Type F line - Fault plane solution:

Columns Format Description

1:30  3F10.0 Strike, dip and rake, Aki convention
31:45 3F5.1 RMS angular difference, 2 values (HASH and FOCMEC (if auto mode used),
      error in fault plane and aux. plane (FPFIT)
46:50 F5.1 Fit error: FPFIT and HASH (F-fit)
51:55 F5.1 Station distribution ratio (FPFIT, HASH)
56:60 F5.1 Amplitude ratio fit (HASH, FOCMEC)
61:62 I2 Number of bad polarities (FOCMEC, PINV)
64.65 I2 Number of bad amplitude ratios (FOCMEC)
67:69 A3 Agency code
71:77 A7 Program used
78:78 A1 Quality of solution, A (best), B C or D (worst), added manually
79:79 A1 Blank, can be used by user, with FOCMEC it is a if automatic
80:80 A1 F

Type H line - High accuracy hypocenter line:

The S-file can include a type=H line for each hypocenter (new from version 12).
Prior to version 12.0 only one type=H line was allowed in SEISAN.
The H line gives the same solution as the type=1 line, but with higher accuracy.
In order to know which H-line belongs to which 1-line, the location program indicator 
and the agency must match. If only one H-line and no agency, it is assumed
it belongs to the main hypocenter. This ensures backwards compatibility.
Multiple H-lines can be used in both Nordic and Nordic2 format.


  1:55 As type 1 line including program used in column 6 (new from version 12)
 16 Free
 17 Seconds, f6.3
 23 Free 
 24:32 Latitude, f9.5 
 33 Free 
 34:43 Longitude, f10.5
 44 Free 
 45:52 Depth, f8.3
 53 Free 
 54:59 RMS, f6.3
 61:63 Agency, A3 (new from version 12)
 62:79 Free
 80 H 

Type I Line, ID line: 

Columns Format description1 Free 

  2:8 Help text for the action indicator
  9:11 	Last action done, so far defined 

           ARG: AUTO Register, AUTOREG
           ARX: From ARC extract
           DPH: Phases deleted with DELS
           DUP: Duplicated event
           HIN: Updated with HYPOINVERSE
           NEW: New event 
           REE: Register from EEV
           REG: Register
           SPL: Split
           UPD: Update with HYP 
           UP : Update with HYP only from EEV
 12 Free 
 13:26 Date and time of last action 
 27 Free 
 28:30 Help text for operator
 36:42 Help text for status
 43:56 Status flags, not yet defined
 57 Free 
 58:60 Help text for ID
 61:74 ID, year to second 
 75 If d, this indicate that a new file id had to be created which was
        one or more seconds different from an existing ID to avoid overwrite. 
 76 Indicate if ID has been synchronized with origin time. 
        Blank means not syncronized, S means synchonized. In version 11 and before
        this was L. Only for information. 

Type M line - Moment tensor solution:

Note: the type M lines are pairs of lines with one line that gives the hypocenter 
time, and one line that gives the moment tensor values:

The first moment tensor line:
Columns Format Description
  1:1          Free 
  2: 5   I4    Year 
  7: 8   I2    Month 
  9:10   I2    Day of Month
 12:13   I2    Hour 
 14:15   I2    Minutes 
 17:20   F4.1  Seconds 
 24:30   F7.3  Latitude                       Degrees (+ N)
 31:38   F8.3  Longitude                      Degrees (+ E)
 39:43   F5.1  Depth                          Km 
 46:48   A3    Reporting Agency
 56:59  F4.1   Magnitude 
 60     A1     Type of Magnitude L=ML, b=mb, B=mB, s=Ms, S=MS, W=MW, 
 61:63  A3     Magnitude Reporting Agency
 71:77  A7     Method used
 78:78  A1     Quality of solution, A (best), B C or D (worst), added manually
 79:79  A1     Blank, can be used by user
 80:A1         M

The second moment tensor line:
Columns Format Description
  1:1          Free 
  2:3   A2     MT
  4:9   F6.3   Mrr or Mzz [Nm] divided by exponential
 11:16  F6.3   Mtt or Mxx [Nm]        ------
 18:23  F6.3   Mpp or Myy [Nm]        ------
 25:30  F6.3   Mrt or Mzx [Nm]        ------
 32:37  F6.3   Mrp or Mzy [Nm]        ------
 39:44  F6.3   Mtp or Mxy [Nm]        ------
 46:48  A3     Reporting Agency
 49:49  A1     MT coordinate system (S=spherical, C=Cartesian)
 50:51  i2     Exponental
 53:62  G6.3   Scalar Moment [Nm]
 71:77  A7     Method used
 78:78  A1     Quality of solution, A (best), B C or D (worst), added manually
 79:79  A1     Blank, can be used by user
 80:80  A1     M

All moment values must be multiplied by the exponent

Type P line - Picture file name:
These lines are used to link to pictures in e.g. png/jpg format.

  1:1          Free
  2:79         File name
  80:80        P

Type S line - Specrtral information:

S lines are generated by AUTOMAG and MULPLT. This format will
only be generated with SEISAN version 12.0, however version 12.0 will 
also read the old spectral format.

Columns Format Abbreviation Description
 1                          Free
 2- 6   A5     STA          Station
 7- 9   A3     COM          Component
10-11   A2     NT           Network
12 13   A2     LO           Location
14                          Free
15-18   F      OM           Log Omega0
19-22   F      F0           Corner frequency(Hz)  
23-25   F      AL           Spectral slope      
26-31   3i2     T           Hour Min Sec for start of spectrum
32-35   F      WI           Window length(s)    
36-40   F      GD           Geo-distance(km)    
41-44   F      MO           Log moment
45-47   F      ST           Stress drop(bar)    
48-51   F       R           Source radius(km)   
52-55   F       K           Kappa               
56-59   F       V           Velocity at source(km/s)
60-60   A       X           Type of spectrum,, P or S
61-64   F      DE           Density at source (g/cm*cm*cm)
65-68   F      Q0           Q0                      
69-72   F      QA           Q-alpha                  
73-75   F      Q1           Frequency(Hz) below which Q(f) changes to constant Q 
76-79   F      MW           Moment magnitude
There is also an explanatory type S-line, for abbreviations, see above

STA  COM NTLO  OM  F0 AL     T  WI   GD  MO ST   R   K   VX  DE  Q0  QA Q1  MWS

There is an average spctral S-line

AV-SD MO 12.4 0.1 ST  0.0 0.0 F0 1.10.046 R 0.082.045 AL 2.0  0.0 MW 2.20 0.1 S

identified by AV-SD. Abbreviations are the same as above and the extra number after
each value is standard deviation.

Type E13 and EC3 line - Explosion information:


1980 0124 0927 CHARGE(T): 0.5 E13  LE Haakonsvern,  HAA underwater explosion  E13 EC3  

Information on explsion site, time and agency, same format as a type 1 line, 
no magnitudesused, last 3 columns must be E13 
EC3 Information on charge and site 

  2:11 Info text 
 11:12 Blank 
 13:22 Charge in tons, f10.3
 23:77 Any information, a
 78:80 EC3 

Type MACRO3 line: File name of macroseismic observations:

The files are located in the ISO directory.


1980-03-14-0456-05.MACRO MACRO3 

An example of the file is: 

Sunnfjord 1980 314 456 5 GMT 1980 314 556 5 Local time
60.500 5.270 1.0 EMS 5088 MJOELKERAAEN 
60.560 5.260 1.0 EMS 5100 ISDALSTOE 
60.570 5.050 1.0 EMS 5112 ROSSLAND 

1.  Line 
Location, GMT time, Local time. Format a30,i4,1x,2i2,1x,2i2,1x,i2,'
GMT',1x,i4,1x,2i2,1x,2i2,1x,i2,1x,'Local time'
2.  Line Comments 
3.  Line Observations: Latitude, Longitude,intensity, code for scale, 
postal code or similar, location,Format 2f10.4,f5.1,1x,a3,1x,a10,2x,a. 
Note the postal code is an ascii string and left justified (a10). 

Type 3 line giving xnear/xfar:

Definition of xnear and xfar to be used with HYPOCENTER. 

XNEAR 1000.0 XFAR 2000.0 3 
  8-13: xnear value
 20-25: xfar value 

Type 3 line with locality:


 LOCALITY: atlantic ocean                                                      3

Type 3 line with  felt information:


 FELTINFO: cracks in the ground at xx                                          3