19.1.1 Nordic to QuakeML converter

Author Christian Rønnevik

This application is a convertion tool between the Nordic format and QuakeML. The tool is preconfigured to reading (s-files) and producing earthquake event data (event parameters) in QuakeML. By configuring arguments the tool can also convert QuakeML data into a collection of s-files from both a XML file and a web-service. The program works with Nordic and Nordic2 formats. When converting from Nordic to qml, the program will automatically detects if the input file is in Nordic or Nordic2 format. When converting the other way, the used must specify a flag to tell which format is desired. Nordic is default.

The source code i found at https://github.com/cronnevik/nor2qml

  1. How to run the application
  2. Configure IDs for QuakeML output
  3. Configure to convert from QuakeML to Nordic
  4. Arguments

The two first sections describe the conversion from the Nordic format to QuakeML. The third section gives an explain on how to enable conversion from QuakeML to the Nordic format. The fourth section gives an overview of all the possible arguments that can be used within this application along with default values for each argument.

How to run the application

Make sure that you have java installed. Check by typing "java -version" into the terminal.

Run without options in the SEISAN environment:

Two scripts (in COM) have been made to facilitate the simplest way of converting. The scripts are:

norqml filename.out

to convert filename.out to qml. The output filename is nor2qml.xml.

qmlnor filename.xml

to convert from qml to Nordic. The output filename is sfile.out.

In addition an alias has been defined for nor2qml (java -jar $ SEISAN_TOP/PRO/nor2qml.jar) to make it easier to used the converter with all options, see below. The default is to convert to Nordic format. If you need Nordic2 format, either run the complete Java command with flags as described below or change the script in COM.

The application has a built-in file scanner, which is designed to identifying s-files within in SEISAN catalog structures. Hence, a folder will only be scanned if the folder name follows the convention of a catalog name with underscore ("_") at the end, for example the catalog name "NNSN_". The file scanner will also search through folders with a folder name of numbers, which is true for the catalog's subsequent folders of year and month. Examples of valid input for folders are:

"	Folder (whole catalog): "<path to seisan>/SEISMO/REA/NNSN_"
"	Folder (specific year): "<path to seisan>/SEISMO/REA/NNSN_/2014"
"	Folder (specific month): "<path to seisan>/SEISMO/REA/NNSN_/2014/09"
During file scan, only files that has the extension starting with "S" will be read. However, if the given input path is pointing at a single file, the application can read any file regardless of extension or filename. Hence, following examples of file input can be used:
"	File (particular file): "<path to seisan>/SEISMO/REA/NNSN_/2014/09/01-2050-05L.S201409"
"	File (particular file): "<path to any folder>/testfile.out"

The output argument has a default value of the path where the application (jar file) is located. If you are running the converter through the seisan structure it is recommended to specify another path for the output. The ouput value should the complete path with a filename and extension at the end of the path. If converting from Nordic to QuakeML, please give the "xml" extension. If converting from QuakeML, you are more free to chose extension, but as a guideline you can use the ".out" extension. Example for running the application

In SEISAN environment

nor2qml --input="/home/SEISMO/REA/NNSN_/2014/09" -output="/home/my-name/qml201409.xml"

In Java environment

java -jar nor2qml.jar --input="/home/SEISMO/REA/NNSN_/2014/09" -output="/home/my-name/qml201409.xml"

Configure ID generation
Within QuakeML, each entity has a public ID for identifying each resource given. This may for instance be a particular event, origin, magnitude, or amplitude. The resource IDs is crucial for linking these entities. The application has a build-in ID generator that follows the QuakeML standard of resource identifiers. By default, these identifiers are built by some predefined values and attributes given by the event itself. The attributes taken from the events are fixed, but two of the predefined values can be overwritten by providing arguments. Since the application provide default values, the conversion can take place without specifying these arguments, but it is recommended that you at least give a value for the authority ID as this will link the resource to your institution. Before explaining which arguments to use, a brief overview of the resource identifiers by QuakeML is given.


More explicitly the id follow this schema pattern:

( smi | quakeml ) : [ \w\d ] [ \w\d \?\.\?\(\) ' ] { 2 , } / [ \w\d \?\.\?\(\) ' ] [ \w\d \?\.\?\(\) \+\?'=,;#/&amp ; ] ?

The two first part of this identifier is configurable in the application by the arguments prefix and agency. To see a list and description of all the available arguments, please see the arguments section below.

The prefix argument takes a sting value that should be either "smi" or "quakeml". To apply this argument, simple attach –prefix="smi" or –prefix="quakeml" when running the application. "smi" stands for seismological meta-information.


Similarly, the authority-id can be configured by attaching –agency="<your authority-id>", which should be at least 3 characters with the first charcter as alphanumeric, while subsequent characters can be alphanum or from the following list:

-,  _,  ., ~ , *, ', (, ).

The agency-id should follow this form:

<top-level domain>.<organisation/institution>[.<sub-unit of organisation>]
An example can be "no.uib.nnsn", where "no" (Norway) is the top-level country domain, "uib" (University of Bergen) is the organisation and "nnsn" (Norwegian National Seismic Network) is the sub-unit of the organisation.

Example with ID generation

Running the application for an s-file within the NNSN catalog could then look like this:

In SEISAN evironment

nor2qml --input="/SEISMO/REA/NNSN_/2014/09" -output="/home/my-name/qml201409.xml" --prefex="smi" --agency="no.uib.nnsn"

IN Java environment

java -jar nor2qml.jar --input="/SEISMO/REA/NNSN_/2014/09" -output="/home/my-name/qml201409.xml" --prefex="smi" --agency="no.uib.nnsn"

Configure to convert from QuakeML to Nordic
Conversion from QuakeML to the Nordic format can be achieved from two different sources, a XML file or a web-service.

QuakeML file to Nordic

To convert a QuakeML file to the Nordic format, three arguments is required: convert, input and output arguments. For SEISAN environment, the convert argument is already predefined and can thus be omitted. Description about the input and output parameters are given in the section above on how to run the application. For Java environment, the convert argument is by default set to "q" (meaning QuakeML), specifying the output format. Similarity "s" can be given to point to s-file output in the Nordic format. Thus, in order to convert to Nordic, attach –convert="s" to the command. The order of arguments does not matter.

The full command would then looks like:

For SEISAN environment:

nor2qml --input="<path to file>" --output="sfiles.out" --convert="s"

For Java environment:

java -jar nor2qml.jar --convert="s" --input="<path to file>" --output="<path to file>"

QuakeML web-service to Nordic

Configuring to read from a QuakeML web-service requires four arguments: output, convert, source and url. Both output and convert are set in a similar fashion as for converting a QuakeML file (see previous section). The source parameter is telling the application that it should fetch data from either a file or an external web-service. The default source value is file. To fetch data from a web-service, attach -source="ws" to the command. As a web-service is an external source, an internet connection is required to make use of this command. In addition to source, an URL to the web-service is also required and should be given in with the URL parameter , by attaching -url="<path to web-service>".

The full command would then looks like:

For SEISAN environment

nor2qml --output="sfiles.out" --convert="s" --source="ws" --url="<path to web-service>"

For Java environment

java -jar nor2qml.jar --output="sfiles.out" --convert="s" --source="ws" --url="<path to web-service>"


General Arguments

Key Value type Default value Description
–convert "q" or "s" (type String) "q" Specify to which format the files should be converted to. "q" means convert from s-files to QuakeML, while "s" means convert QuakeML to s-files.
–input Path (type String). The value must be enclosed with "". Current path Select where the input files are. If no path is specified, the program will search the current folder for files to be converted.
–output Path (type String). The value must be enclosed with "". Current path Select where the converted file should be placed. If no path is specified, the program will create a single file in the current folder with the filename and extension to either "quakeml.xml" or "sfile.out" based on the conversion type.

QuakeML specific arguments

Key Value type Default value Description
–version "nordic", "nordic2"", 1.2" or "2.0" "1.2" Specifying the QuakeML version output.
–prefix String that should be "smi" or "quakeml" "smi" Specifying the prefix of generation of IDs
–agency String "authorityid" Specifying the agency for generation of IDs (e.g. "no.nnsn")
–source String that should be "file" or "ws" "file" Specify if the source is a file or a web-service (ws)
–url String (mandatory if source is ws). The value must be enclosed with "". Specifying the url if the source is a web-service

[1] https://quake.ethz.ch/quakeml/docs/REC?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=QuakeML-BED-20130214b.pdf