5.2.3 System without digital data

In this case the user would get phase data from other sources, e.g. analog seismograms or files with readings from other stations and agencies. These files are assumed to be written in Nordic Format. Conversion can be done from other formats like ISC, NEIC and HYPO71.

If a user already has a file with one or several events in Nordic Format, this file can be split up into single files which are copied (from any directory) into the database by using the command SPLIT. Creating a new file in Nordic Format can also be done with the program NEWEVE (use command NEWEVE).

The SPLIT program then reads the NEWEVE output file and writes out single S-files with correct names either in the current directory (default) or in the database specified (BER or another). The reason that the database specifically must be given is that the user should not accidentally put data into the database (see section 13).