3.10 Color settings

All programs using color can use a color definition file called COLOR.DEF. The file can be located in the current working directory or in DAT. Programs will first look in the working directory, then in DAT. If no COLOR.DEF file is given, default is used. Be careful with color setting, unexpected results might occur, like getting a blank screen when plotting white traces on a white background. Several color settings are universal like setting colors for titles, however several color settings are specific for particular programs, see example file below. Since colors can also be used for the Postscript file, there is an option for using color on the screen but not for Postscript, since it is more likely that the user will have a color screen than a color Postscript plotter. Sending a color plot file to a black and white laser printer results in a plot with gray tones.

The COLOR.DEF file:

This file is for defining SEISAN color objects and for setting the size(of full screen) of the graphics window for individual programs. If no file available, default colors, as given at end of line below, will be used. The entries can come in any order, however the keyword MUST appear as shown below. If an object color is not defined, it will retain its default value. If a black or white background and no colors are chosen, all colors will be reset accordingly.

This file is for defining SEISAN color objects. If no file available,
default colors will be used. The entries can come in any order, however the
keword MUST appear as shown below. If a object color is not defined,
it will retain its default value. If a black or white background and no
colors are chosen, all colors will be reset accordingly.
Since verison 9.0, the size of the window (% of full screen) for most graphics 
programs is also set in this file.

The color codes are:

1: blue   2: green   3: red   4: yellow   5: white   6: black

color_screen            1   ! 0: no colors, 1: colors
color_hard_copy         0   ! -----------------------
color_back              5   ! background color
color_trace             6   ! seismic traces, map contours
color_pic               3   ! phase picking
color_zoom              2   ! zoo lines in mulplt
color_def               6   ! default color
color_frame             1   ! frames like epimap map frames, mulplt
color_title             6   ! titles on top of plots
color_spec              1   ! spectras
color_axis_not          3   ! axis notations
color_epi               3   ! epicenters
color_station           3   ! seismic stations
color_map_contour       1   ! epimap contours
color_map_grid          6   ! Lat-long/(x,y) grid
color_label_grid        6   ! Grid labels for map
color_symbol_key        6   ! Diagram key.
color_prompt            1   ! Prompt text.
color_section           3   ! section outline in epimap
color_bval_np           2   ! bvalue, number of events
color_bval_ac           1   ! ------, accumulated ---
color_bval_line         1   ! ------, lsq line
color_box               5   ! box for interactive input
color_box_letter        6   ! letters in --------------
color_foc_dilat         3   ! focmec dilatation
color_foc_comp          1   ! focmec compression
color_foc_p             2   ! focmec P-axis
color_foc_t             3   ! focmec T-axis
color_foc_plane         1   ! focmec fault planes
color_syn               1   ! synthetic picks, blue
size_bvalue            50
size_sample_graphics   80
size_catstat           60
size_codaq             70
size_corr               0   ! not implemeted
size_epimap            70
size_fk                60
size_focmec            70
size_lsq               60
size_mag               60
size of mulplt          0   ! set in MULPLT.DEF
size_presp             65
size_rmsdep            50
size_spec              80
size_ttplot            60
size_wad_plot          60