3.9 Default parameter files for the main programs

Once you start locating events, the location program HYP will look for an input file with station coordinates, location parameters and crustal model. This file is located in the DAT directory and called STATION0.HYP. To edit the file, move to the DAT directory by using command DA and edit the file. For more information about this file, see section 7. If you want to keep the original file for test purposes, first copy it to a file with another name.

When plotting epicenters (command MAP (no questions) or EPIMAP (user sepcify)) input files with map-contours for the EPIMAP program are used (type *.MAP). These files are also located in the DAT directory. If you want to use more detailed map contours, you must get hold of your own data and put them into file called e.g. MYMAP.MAP. In the DAT directory there are three sets of contours: WORLD.MAP (high resolution) WORLD_LOW.MAP (low resolution) and EUROPE.MAP . Detailed map files in SEISAN format for the whole world is found at the SEISAN web site.

The plotting program MULPLT can use a default file for those stations, which are to be routinely plotted, as well as other default information. This is defined in MULPLT.DEF in DAT, see example file. MULPLT.DEF also defines which keys are assigned to which phases and what character is used for the mouse. An example is given in DAT, see also example in 8.

Both the MULPLT.DEF and STATION0.HYP can also be in the working directory. Programs always look there first and on a multi-user system, this enables different users to have their own setup. It also makes it possible to work with different setups by just changing directory.

The AUTOPIC PROGRAM requires AUTOPIC.INP in the DAT directory.

Most SEISAN program use the SEISAN.DEF file (in DAT, see section 3.13) where many general parameters are set.

The bulletin program requires a front page with whatever you like and some set for fonts can be made. The text of this page is located in the BUL.INP file in the DAT directory.