19.1 Parameter files

ALBNOR: Albania bulletin data to Nordic
CAT_AGA: Records the S-file header lines according to agency
DELS: Deletes specific parts of an S-file
EDRNOR: Converts USGS monthly bulletins (EDR files) to Nordic format
GIINOR: Converts from Geophysical Institute of Israel parameter format to Nordic
GSRNOR: Converts from geophysicl surver of russia to nordic
HARNOR: Converts standard Harvard CMT solutions to Nordic format, also from gisola
HYPNOR: Converts from Hypo71 readings files to Nordic format files
HINNOR: Similar to HYPNOR for Hypoinverse files, archive format
HSUMNOR: Converts from Hypo71 summary file format to SEISAN format
ISCNOR: Converts from ISC 96 column format to Nordic format
ISCCSV2NOR: Converts ISC csv foromat catalog to nordic
ISCSTA: Converts ISC station list to SEISAN station listoptionally selecting specific stations.
ISFNOR: Converts between ISF1.0 and Nordic
IMSNOR Converts from IMS, GSE and ISF to Nordic
KINNOR: Converts from Kinemetrics to NORDIC
NORCSV: Converts from NORDIC to CSV format using MAGNITUDE_ORDER given
in SEISAN.DEF to setup priority of magnitudes.
NORGSE: Converts between Nordic format and GSE parametric format
NORHIN: Converts from Nordic format to Hypoinverse archive format
NORIMS: Converts from Nordic to and from IMS1.0
NORHYP: Converts from Nordic to HYPO71 format
NOR2NOR2: Converts NORDIC phase readings to and from old style to new style introduced in 2021
NOR2QML: Converts NORDIC to and from QuakeML
PDENOR: Converts a PDE bulletin file to NORDIC format
RSANOR: Converts Andalucian Seismic Network data to NORDIC format
SEIGMT: Converts from NORDIC file to input for GMT
SELMAP: Selects out a part of a MAP file, also creates file for SeismicityViewer
STASEI: USGS station file or ISC station file to SEISAN
USGSNOR: USGS/NEIC CDROM catalog conversion to NORDIC format

ALBNOR, Albania bulletin data to Nordic
The program converts many different Albania bulletin formats to Nordic format. The program gives these formats:

0: hypoinverse 1: 2012-2014 2: 1995-2005 3: 2008-2009 4: 2007 5: jun-aug-2008

For more information, see program comments.

CAT_AGA, reordering of CAT file header lines
When plotting hypocenters or doing seismic hazard work, it is the first header line in an S-file or CAT-file that is used since it is assumed that it is the prime estimate. When making compact files it is also the first header line, which is used. However, there can be a need for resorting the many type 1 header lines for one or several events so that they are ordered according to agency. It could e.g. be needed to put priority on all the ISC solutions, which then should be the first line in the file. CAT_AGA will reorder the type 1 lines in a CAT file according to the order in which the agencies (3 character codes) are given by the user. If there are many agencies, they can be given in an input file named cat_aga.par, format is one agency per line in the first 3 columns. If the file is not present, the program will ask the user to enter the agencies manually. Optionally, also hypocenter type M lines can be used as type 1 lines. The output file cat_aga.out will contain the sorted events.

DELS, deletes parts of S-file

DELS, program to delete specific lines in an S-file with one or many events

There is often a need to delete particular parts of an event file like the spectral lines or the P-phases etc. Below is an example run.


 Give input file


 Give line to delete or keep, terminate with enter
 1: Lines with P-phase             Not delete
 2: Lines with S-phase             Not delete
 3: Lines with SPEC-phase          Not delete
 4: Lines with IAML-phase          Not delete
 5: Lines with IASP-AMP phase      Not delete
 6: Lines with AM, AT and AS phase Not delete
 7: Lines with END phase           Not delete
 8: Lines with BAZ phase           Not delete
 9: Lines with any phase           Not delete
10: Lines with fp solutions        Not delete
11: Phases with given stations     Not delete

Any combination of options can be selected or deselected. The output is in file dels.out. If used withing EEV, it is used with current event S-file. Note: Option 11 can use several stations and all phases for those stations are deleted, however not SPEC phases.

A special option is 99. This will write out IAML amplitudes for Z, N and E if all three present. Output file is dels_amp.out. The program can also be used with arguments

First argument is file name

Second argument is optionally 'overwrite' meaning that input file will be overwritten, can only be used with a file with one event, if more program stops. Third argument is operator

The last two arguments are used with EEV, command dels in EEV.

EDRNOR: USGS monthly bulletins (EDR files) to Nordic format
Program to convert USGS weekly EDR files (ftp://hazards.cr.usgs.gov/weekly/mchedr*) to Nordic format. The program is written by Mohammad Raeesi (email [email protected]).

ISCCSV2NOR: ISC CSV catalog to Nordic format
Program converts csv ascii format to nordic format, csv is used by ISC for catalog data. Only the first 3 magnitudes are used, if a magnitude type in input is b1, output type is x.

GIINOR, Geophysical Institute of Israel to SEISAN
The input files are the bulletin type files.

GSRNOR, Geophysical Survery of Russia to Nordic

Program to convert data from Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Science to SEISAN Nordic format.

The program uses 2-3 input files:


Output from hypo71 program (Russian version): Arrival times with weights, location, Russian magnitude based on P-waves, crustal model number used, polarity, gap, error, rms.


Arr file: this file has amplitudes of P, S and for Ml in units of um*100, Ml for each station (used to calculate average Ml) and component codes. The P amplitudes are labeled AMP-P, S amplitudes AMP-S and amplitudes for Ml is labeled the standard IAML. All are converted to nm. The magnitudes from P amplitude are not given a type since not recognized by SEISAN. The time for the P and S amplitudes are given as the corresponding P and S-times plus 2 sec so as not to be plotted on top of P or S. In any case, the picking time for the amplitudes is not known.


A file filenr.lis with a list of corresponding waveform files. The file must have SEISAN style names which are used to get the file start time for comparison with the event origin time. It must also have the correct component codes. This can be done with program WAVFIX. This file is optional but needed if waveform file names should be integrated in the S-file.

The two first input files must be in chronological order and contain the same events, else the program stops. This is checked by comparing the P-times in the two files and if not within 1 s for corresponding stations, the program stops with an error message.

The program first reads the hypo file, then the arr-file and combines the two. Finally the waveform files names are put in. The names are put in if the waveform file name start time is within xx seconds of the origin time. The default is 600 s, but any value can be chosen by the user. If too larger, the waveform file might be put into more than one S-file and if too small there might not be correspondence.

If an event has depth zero, it is assumed to be an explosion and marked with an E in column 23 on the header line. The model number, if available in hypo file, is given in column 21 on the header line.

Energy class is given in a comment line.

S-files which are not assigned a waveform file name are listed at the end. Likewise for waveform files that are not put into S-files. So it can be checked if there is a correspondence between events and waveform files and if waveform files are missing

The agency is assumed to be GS and the operator is asked for. In the output file, the Ml magnitude is duplicated in the 3. position on the header line so it will remain at the next update. The header line is also duplicated using agency ORG so the original location can be compared to a future calculated location on the header line. An example of the output is seen below:

 2020  9 1 1738 58.26L  44.010  39.302 10.5  GS   4 .33 2.1LGS  2.1 GS  2.1LGS 1
 GAP=237                   2.6     2.6  1.1                                    E
 2020  9 1 1738 58.2 L  44.010  39.302 10.5  ORG  4 .33 2.1LORG 2.1 ORG        1
 2020-09-01-1736-59M.TEST__012                                                 6
 Magnitude Mp:    2.1                                                          3
 Energy class:    5.3                                                          3
 ACTION:H71 20-11-09 18:57 OP:jh   STATUS:               ID:20200901173858     I
 GOYR EZ EP   3   1739  4.38                                   0.830   26.9  13 
 GOYR EN IS   1   1739  7.22                                   -.220   26.9  13 
 GUZR SZ IP   0   1739 10.43                                   0.250   65.6  91 
 GUZR SN IS   1   1739 18.83                                   -.080   65.6  91 
 VSLR EZ IP   1   1739 13.12                                   -.420   84.9 136 
 VSLR EN ES   2   1739 24.98                                   0.250   84.9 136 
 GRYR EZ IP   1   1739 22.90                                   -.020    144  85 
 GRYR EN IS   1   1739 40.52                                   -.430    144  85 
 GOYR EZ  AMP-P   1739  6.38        40.0 0.72                          26.9  13 
 GOYR EN  IAML    1739  6.57       150.0 0.92                          26.9  13 
 GOYR EE  AMP-S   1739  9.22       160.0 0.62                          26.9  13 
 GUZR SZ  AMP-P   1739 12.44        10.0 0.20                          65.6  91 
 VSLR EZ  AMP-P   1739 15.13        30.0 0.78                          84.9 136 
 GUZR SN  IAML    1739 18.19        50.0 0.32                          65.6  91 
 GUZR SN  AMP-S   1739 20.83        50.0 0.48                          65.6  91 
 GRYR EZ  AMP-P   1739 24.91        10.0 0.30                           144  85 
 VSLR EE  AMP-S   1739 26.98        80.0 0.44                          84.9 136 
 VSLR EE  IAML    1739 26.20        90.0 0.36                          84.9 136 
 GRYR EE  IAML    1739 39.66        40.0 0.28                           144  85 
 GRYR EE  AMP-S   1739 42.53        40.0 0.30                           144  85 
 2020  9 2 12 2  7.76LE 44.225  40.278 0.00  GS   6 .39 2.3LGS  2.8 GS  2.3LGS 1
 GAP=189                   1.3     1.30.340                                    E
 2020  9 2 12 2  7.7 LE 44.225  40.278 0.00  ORG  6 .39 2.3LORG 2.8 ORG        1
 2020-09-02-1159-59M.TEST__018                                                 6
 Magnitude Mp:    2.8                                                          3
 Energy class:    7.2                                                          3
 ACTION:H71 20-11-09 18:57 OP:jh   STATUS:               ID:20200902120207     I
 GUZR SZ IP   0   12 2 13.49                                   0.060   28.5 207 
 GUZR SN IS   1   12 2 18.02                                   0.430   28.5 207 
 RPOR EZ IP   0   12 2 18.96                                   0.280   58.4 181 
 RPOR EN IS   1   12 2 26.25                                   -.440   58.4 181 
 GRYR EZ IP   0   12 2 20.27                                   0.210   66.3 101 
 GRYR EN ES   2   12 2 29.14                                   0.060   66.3 101 
 GOYR EZ IP   1   12 2 21.16                                   0.080   72.1 272 
 GOYR EN ES   2   12 2 30.53                                   -.310   72.1 272 
 SHA1 EZ EP   2   12 2 40.12                                   -1.39    198 106 
 SHA1 EN ES   2   12 3  5.13                                   -1.05    198 106 
 KBZ  BZ EP   3   12 2 43.80                                   -.100    217 105 
 KBZ  BN ES   3   12 3  9.42                                   -.890    217 105 
 GUZR SZ  AMP-P   12 2 15.49       140.0 0.60                          28.5 207 
 GUZR SE  AMP-S   12 2 20.02       640.0 0.48                          28.5 207 
 RPOR EZ  AMP-P   12 2 20.96        60.0 0.54                          58.4 181 
 GUZR SE  IAML    12 2 19.42      1350.0 0.92                          28.5 207 
 GRYR EZ  AMP-P   12 2 22.28        40.0 0.60                          66.3 101 
 GOYR EZ  AMP-P   12 2 23.17        80.0 0.56                          72.1 272 
 RPOR EE  IAML    12 2 25.41       280.0 0.38                          58.4 181 
 RPOR EE  AMP-S   12 2 28.26       420.0 0.62                          58.4 181 
 GRYR EE  IAML    12 2 28.35       210.0 0.84                          66.3 101 
 GRYR EE  AMP-S   12 2 31.14       140.0 0.88                          66.3 101 
 GOYR EE  AMP-S   12 2 32.54       370.0 0.66                          72.1 272 
 GOYR EE  IAML    12 2 34.59       350.0 0.76                          72.1 272 
 SHA1 EZ  AMP-P   12 2 42.13        40.0 0.34                           198 106 
 KBZ  BZ  AMP-P   12 2 45.81      1740.0 0.55                           217 105 
 SHA1 EN  AMP-S   12 3  7.13       220.0 0.52                           198 106 
 SHA1 EN  IAML    12 3  6.13       210.0 0.60                           198 106 
 KBZ  B1  AMP-S   12 3 11.43      4900.0 0.60                           217 105 
 KBZ  B1  IAML    12 3 11.31      6310.0 1.00                           217 105

Below is shown an example run:

 Give input hypo file
 Give input arr file
 Give operator, max 3 chars
 Time difference in secs for wav file to be include in s-file, def 600s (enter)

 Number of waveform files          35

 Model number           6
 Number of phases found in hypo file           50
 Waveform file added 2020-09-01-0049-29M.TEST__075
 2020  9 1  059  6.06L  43.997  39.142 7.59  GS  25 1.0 3.4LGS  4.9 GS  3.4LGS

 Model number           8
 Number of phases found in hypo file            6
 Waveform file added 2020-09-01-1038-00M.TEST__009
 2020  9 1 1040 31.78LE 44.808  37.642 0.00  GS   3 .28 3.4LGS  2.0 GS  3.4LGS

 Model number           8
 Number of phases found in hypo file            8
 Waveform file added 2020-09-23-1034-59M.TEST__012
 2020  923 1037 19.38LE 44.835  37.638 0.00  GS   4 .29 3.1LGS  2.2 GS  3.1LGS

 Number of waveform files not used           13
 File not used: 2020-09-08-1104-59M.TEST__009
 File not used: 2020-09-15-1025-59M.TEST__012
 File not used: 2020-09-29-0423-59M.TEST__015

 Number of events without waveform file           2
 Events which did not get a waveform file name

 2020  9 3 1046 45.6
 2020  916 2157  0.2

 Output file name is gsrnor.out

Special option for rewriting SAC response files

The GSR response files are not written in a standard way as used by SEISAN so they have to be rewritten and renamed.

A GSR response could have the name GOYR_EHZ_2017jul14.sac while the corresponding name in SEISAN is GOYR_EH_Z.2017_07_14_0000_SAC. The date in both cases indicate the date from which it is valid.
The GSR file looks like

# Station GOYR
# Channel EHZ
# Location ??
# Network OBN
# Time 2017.07.14 00:00:00
-2.9102  0
-1.5196  0
-176.198 -420.291
-176.198 +420.291
-336.6282 -84.213
-336.6282 +84.213

CONSTANT  1.548e19

HARNOR, Harvard to Nordic
The standard moment tensor solutions given by Harvard (http://www.globalcmt.org/CMTsearch.html) are converted to Nordic format. Strike, dip, rake and moment tensor solution is written out. In addtion, also solution from Gisola cab be converted. The programs can use 4 different input formats:
Standard format: Default format on screen
Full format: Full format on screen
ndk format: File format for downloaded file
gis format from Gisola The screen formats have the disadvantage that only a limited number of events can be downloaded and captured in one screen so if a lot of events are required, the best alternative is to download a file with all events in ndk format, and then, after conversion, select the desired events.
The ndk format and the full format both give both the hypocenter calculated with arrival times (main header line) and the centroid hypocenter and origin time (MT line), while the standard format does not give the hypocenter calculated with arrival times, so the first header line gives the centroid location. For that reason, it is recommended to use the full format if a screen format is used.
The ndk format does not give Mw which is then calculated from the moment. All formats have additional information not carried over to SEISAN.

HINOR, Hypoinvers archive format to Nordic
The input files are the archive type. For details, see HYPINV program.

HYPNOR, converting HYPO71 files to Nordic files
Input is just filename of HYPO71 file. A similar program for HYPOINVERSE files is HINNOR.

HINNOR, converts from Hypoinverse to NORDIC format
This program works like HYPNOR.

HSUMNOR, HYPO71 summary file format to NORDIC format
Note that the program only converts to header lines.

ISCNOR, converting ISC bulletin file to Nordic format
This program works with the ISC fixed 96-column format as e.g. distributed on CDROM (files of type FFB). The program can select out subsets of ISC data using a latitude-longitude window, depth and prime magnitude. Any of the magnitudes Ms and mb are used. Before 1978, there was only mb on the CD's. More detailed selection can be done on the output file later with SELECT. Since the amount of data is very large it is also possible to write out only the hypocenters. Note that ISC now writes in ISF format also, which can be converted with ISFNOR or IMSNOR.

Newer CD's have compressed data and cannot be used directly. files must be copied to disk first, decompressed and then handled as single files.

The program will first check if a file with agency codes called agency.isc is present. If so the station codes are read from this file (same format as files on CDROM). The program will also check the beginning of the data input file for a possible list of agencies and station coordinates. If present, the stations coordinates are read and converted to SEISAN format and additional codes read in. The agency codes are needed in order to identify in plain text the various agencies used.

Principles in conversion:

Phases: The phases out can be either the phase ID's sent to ISC or the ISC reinterpreted phases (given with a number code in the input file). If the user supplied phases are used, parenthesizes are removed, and if P/PKP etc is given, it is replaced by P.
Times: If day is incremented relative to origin time day, it is carried into the hours, which can be more than 24.
Agency: It is assumed that it is the same agency for hypocenter and first magnitude. Magnitude is checked for agency, if blank, it is assumed also to be the same as for hypocenter. Only first 3 characters of code is used.
Stations: Only first 4 characters of code are used.
Depth: If no error on depth, a depth fix flag is set.
First motion: Only C or D are used, ISC codes J and B are ignored.
Hypocenter orders: ISC put the best solution last, here the order is reversed, and the prime estimate is first.
Duration magnitude: Change D to C for type.
Distance indicator: If station furthest away is less than 1000 km indicator is L, between 1000 and 3000 km indicator is R and if more than 3000 km indicator is D. If no stations are present the type is set to D.

In order to relocate an event and compare to ISC location, the ISC reidentified phases must be used (option 2, see below). This has the disadvantage that phases not used by ISC (mainly S-phases of local earthquakes) are weighted out in the output file. If option 3 is used, the ISC identified phases are selected if there and if no ISC identification is given, the local reported phase is used. The output file for option 2 and 3 looks the same except that for option 2, the user-defined phases are weighted out. The residuals given in the output file are always relative to the ISC identified phases.

Running ISCNOR:

Below is an example of a run where a latitude - longitude window has been used.

 Phases selected can be:
   User reported phases (default=return)          : 1
   ISC identified phases only                     : 2
   ISC identified phases and user reported phases    
       when not identified by ISC                 : 3
 Output: All hypocenters and phases : Return
         All hypocenters            : 1
         Prime hypocenter           : 2           

 Latitude range, return for all 
60.2 70.5

 Longitude range, return for all
10, 20

 Depth range, return for all

Magnitude range, return for all

Write selected events on screen (y/n=return)

 No agency.isc file present
 If ISC CDROM, give drive letter, else return

Give first year and month, e.g. 199501 198601
Give  last year and month, e.g. 199602 198602

 Now opening d:\1986\198601.FFB                                                              
 Number of agencies in input file        244

etc, for each month

        493 events converted
 Output file name is iscnor.out
 File with stations is isc.sta

The file input can be from a CDROM as in the example above. In that case, the whole CDROM can be read or a smaller time interval can be given. The input can also be from a single file and the program will then ask for the next file when the first has been converted. If many files are to be converted, a list of file names can be made with DIRF and filenr.lis entered as an input file name. The Nordic format output file is iscnor.out and the station list is in isc.sta which has the format used by SEISAN. Optionally, output can also be in the original isc format, however that requires setting a flag in the program and recompiling, see program source code.

ISCSTA, selecting stations in the complete ISC station file
The complete station list in the ISC list is very large and it is often an advantage to use a smaller subset, although HYP can use the whole list. The program can select out subsets of stations in both SEISAN and the latest ISC format as found on the ISC home page. The program will read an S-file, find how many different stations there are and select those stations out of a station file, which can either be in SEISAN format or ISC format (automatically determined). The output is in SEISAN format. If no S-file is given the input station file is assumed to be in ISC format and the whole file will be converted to SEISAN format. Optionally, the output can be in high accuracy format, but that is generally only needed for very small networks or small arrays. The latest version of the program supports 5 letter station codes. As of April, 2020, the ISC list contains more then 27000 stations. Hypocenter can work withe 30000 stations.

NOTE: The ISC file must only have the stations so remove any text before or after the list.

Start of station list:

034A   Hebbronville                                        27.06470  -98.68330     155.0                Closed

035A   Encino                                              26.93790  -98.10230      29.0                Closed

035Z   Hargill                                             26.46300  -98.06831      19.0                Closed

058A   Arcadia                                             27.05690  -81.80490      15.0                Open  

059A   Moore Haven                                         26.96710  -81.14400      11.0                Open  

059Z   Ave Maria                                           26.33730  -81.44320       8.0                Open  

060A   Indiantown                                          27.03610  -80.36180       9.0                Open  

KINNOR, Kinemetrics to NORDIC
Converts .PCK file output of EDPPICK to file in SEISAN format. Many events are converted from one file. The program is based on program from Kinemetrics by Christopher S. Lim. For info on how conversion is made, see program source code.

ISFNOR, ISF1.0 to and from Nordic
The ISF format is used by the ISC and is an extension to the IMS format. The program is based on the routines provided by the ISC for reading and writing ISF, and the SEISAN standard routines for reading and writing Nordic data. The program converts in both directions. All possible information is converted. Information on the ISF format can be found on the ISC website (http://www.isc.ac.uk). It is recommended to use ISF format for data exchange with ISC.

There is also the newer program IMSNOR which converts from IMS, GSE and ISF to Nordic format. It has been adapted a bit closer to how seisan works than ISFNOR.

NORIMS, IMS1.0 to NORDIC format.
The IMS1.0 (International Monitoring System) is a new version of the GSE format and very similar. The program can partly be used for the new ISF (IASPEI Seismic Format) which will include all of the IMS format an additional information needed by ISC and NEIC. The program and the following description is by Mario Villagrán. The program works with the IMS1.0:SHORT format (phase-readings/origin files) and the program works both ways.

IMS1.0:SHORT \bgroup\color{black}$\Rightarrow$\egroup Nordic
Nordic \bgroup\color{black}$\Rightarrow$\egroup IMS1.0:SHORT

The IMS1.0:SHORT format is exactly the one used at the IDC International Data Center (Vienna, Austria). In addition some features used by the ISC International Data Center and the Spanish NDC National Data Center had been added. Magnitudes in IMS format use many characters, the Nordic format allows only one; the following rule is followed:

IMS Nordic
For mb \bgroup\color{black}$\rightarrow$\egroup 'b'
For MS \bgroup\color{black}$\rightarrow$\egroup 'S'
For ML \bgroup\color{black}$\rightarrow$\egroup 'L'
For MD \bgroup\color{black}$\rightarrow$\egroup 'C'
For Ml \bgroup\color{black}$\rightarrow$\egroup 'l'
For MN \bgroup\color{black}$\rightarrow$\egroup 'N'
For mblg \bgroup\color{black}$\rightarrow$\egroup 'G'
For ms \bgroup\color{black}$\rightarrow$\egroup 's'
For MB \bgroup\color{black}$\rightarrow$\egroup 'B'

The maximum likelihood magnitudes mb1, mb1mx, ms1, ms1mx, etc are pending. IDC still does not have documentation and they may be changed.
Single measurements of magnitude/station are parsed as comment lines (type 3) starting with symbol “$”. When importing data from IMS format, only the “Event IDC” number is parsed and included into a comment line (type 3) of Nordic, together with the ellipse dimensions orientation and the mb standard deviation.
All parameter values read that exceed field limits of Nordic (Amplitude, velocity, snr, etc) have been set to the maximum or minimum possible, example: if snr \bgroup\color{black}$>$\egroup 999.9 then snr=999. For conversion from Nordic to IMS it is necessary to use both the hyp.out and print.out files; The reason is that IMS includes many parameters that need to be searched in both files.
When converting to IMS format, the user can specify the start numbering for the first event and phase in the file; ignoring will assume (1,1). It is optionally also possible to set the no location flag in the output header lines.

Comments in the IMS input phase data is ignored.

IMSNOR, IMS, GSE and ISF to Nordic format

Program for reading GSE, IMS and ISF bulletin event files and converting to Nordic format. The intention is that it will replace NORIMS which is doing an incomplete conversion. The program also has several adoptions for SEISAN.

The data from the input file is modified to make it possible to use the data in SEISAN. The source of this data format is mainly CTBTO and ISC. CTBTO is using only the defined IMS or GSE format data while ISC has extended the format to cover other types of data using the ISF format. The program can read both and it is particularly useful for ISC data.

Assumptions and limitations

All events are assumed regional

The file must have headers like 'Magnitude' so when selecting data at ISC, clik on field 'Output headers'

Input files have no component in ISF format but when ISF2 format is released, it sometimes has componenet. MULPLT has been modified to plot phases without component.

All error parameters are not read, to be fixed.

If felt information in a commant line, it will be included (first 80 chars) and a type 2 is created.

Amplitudes are a bit of a mess since very many amplitudes do not use IASPEI standard names or standard methods for measuring and they are therefore useless for further use. The following describe how amplitudes are treated:

All amplitudes which cannot be identified are labeled A-xxx where xx is the phase it came from like A-Pn. If a time is associated with the amplitude, that time is used. If amplitude is associated with a phase, the time from the phase is used so it is possible to see where the amplitude came from.

IASP amplitude phases are used unchanged, seem to be standard.

L, LR is a Raleigh wave, amplitude associated with LR and is assumed to be Ms_20.

LQ amplitudes are not associated with a magnitude scale and labeled A.

MLR is non standard, seems to be the same as LR and treated the same way.

M and AMl is the same as obove.

Amplitude on a phase line is made into a new line. The time is the same so it is possible to see which phase it was associated with. If possible, it is given and IASPEI standard name (from indication at end of line), if not it is named Ai-xxx.

Amplitude for Ms and Mb are only convered to IAMb if it has been used to calculte magnitude, else it is reported as A-xxx.

Ml amplitudes from CTBTO are calculated in a non standard way and cannot be used, give very wrong Ml, labeled A. This might also be the case from other array stations like NORSAR, Norway. No check for other array stations.

Many amplitudes, even on Sg or Lg, are not standard and not labeled IAML. Seems some could be mm WA. If amplitude on P and distance larger than 20 deg, assume IAmb. Some amplitudes have no phase and no time, no time also in S-file.

ONLY IAML are accepted.

Amplitudes are mm WA for Nanometrics in Albania system so converted to nm.

Back azimuth

Back Azimuth (BAZ) is put on separate line in order to be able to put in weight. This is needed for ISC where many BAZ values are wrong. ISC does not use BAZ so the ISC observations are identified with no BAZ residual. This has the unfortunate effect that good BAZ are not used, like for NORSAR array or locally determined by 3 components sensors. IMS BAZ is not weighted out since there is a residual. The BAZ is given the name of the phase it was associated with like BAZ-PKP (limited to 8 character length).


Phases not used by SEISAN are given weight zero, like LR and LQ. More must be added to the list (hardwired).

Phases not used by ISC, as indicated by no residual, is given weight zero. If there is a residual but ISC is not using the phase due to large residual (the phase has no time dfining flag), the phase is included with weight 3 if the residual is less than 5s. The exception is when ISC does not process the event and use the agency supplied locations. Then there are no residuals. This is identified by 'Event not reviewed by the ISC' which is also given in S-files as a comment. In these cases strange phases might not be weighted out.

For data after the date when ISC has processed the event, there is no flag telling if ISC has processed or not. The file is therefore first read to find last date of ISC revision. After that date the event are treated as if not processed by ISC.

In ISF2, there can also be component, network, location, phase agency, phase operator. However, network often wrong so not used.

At ISC, the incoming phases are reinterpreted. This is particularly unfortunate for crustal phases, like Pn, which then no longer is Pn as a refracted phase but rather a direct phase. However, for events not processed by ISC, the original phase names remain. This will create an inhomogeneous data base for user who want to process data located by ISC and located by a local agency. Consequently all Pb, Pn, Sb and Sn phases have benn changed to P and S. Pg/Sg are also chenged to P and S. THIS PHASE CHANGE IS DONE FOR ALL EVENTS, ALSO EVENTS NOT PROCESSED BY ISC since it seems that picking of n,g and b-phases is not consistent. This unfortunate situation with the ISC reinterpretations has been created by the way the AK1535 software works according to Dmitry Storchak at the ISC (personal communication):

" Regarding the crustal phases, it is true that Pn, in its IASPEI standard understanding <http://www.isc.ac.uk/standards/phases/>, is also the P-wave that bottoms in the uppermost mantle. The working group (which included yourself) has decided at the time that we must follow the ak135 notation, simply because the corresponding code did not differentiate between the classical Pn travelling as a headwave alongside the Moho and the branch of direct P that leaves a source in the uppermost mantle ( 400km), bottoms no deeper than that and eventually going up towards a station. I recall that Peter Bormann wasn't particularly easy about it, but connection with ak135 and corresponding software was dearer, so he reluctantly agreed."


Hypocenters are ordered according to a hardwired table in program. The same order is used for the magnitudes. However, the prime solution (ISC or the last in the list) always come first since residuals are referred to that solution. The priority is: ISC, NEI, GCM, IDC. The list is hardwired in routines sort_source_info.

Relocating ISC events gives higher rms with SEISAN. Part of the problem is that epicentral distance is different, at certain distances up to 100 km. The travel time model is also different. Using residual weighting gives similar rms to ISC, might be what ISC is using.

Fault plane solutions

Fault plane solutions are also ordered, different table. The priority is: GCM, NEI and ISC.


Only standard magnitudes are put on header lines, same order as for hypocenters. The first 5 magnitudes are put on first hypcenter, the rest distributed among following hypocenters and if more put in as comments. The first magnitude is repeated in 3. position on header line, therefore only 5 different. Non standard magnitudes are listed in comments.

Macroseismic data is not included, but if event is felt, it is marked with a blank type 2 line.

Event type

IMS use the folloing characters to define event types:

The leading characters are

s = suspected

k = known

f = felt (implies known)

d = damaging (implies felt and known)

The trailing characters are

c = meteoritic event

m = mining explosion

e = earthquake

n = nuclear explosion

h = chemical explosion

r = rock burst

i = induced event

x = experimental explosion

l = landslide

In SEISAN they are converted to event types using the 2 or one letter(s):

se to E = mining explosion

n to E = nuclear explosion

sh to P = probable explosion

ke to Q = known earthquake

se to ' ' = probably earthquake

sl or kl to L = probably or know landslide

si or ki to I = probably or known induced event

f or d indicated as a felt event (type 2 line)

All remaining IMS types are ignored (blank)

To run the program type imsnor and you get question about the input file. When writing the output file the main header is duplicated.

Optinally you have the following arguments:

-infile: name of input file

-agency: the agency code given to the prime hypocenter and magnitude if they are blank.

-def_dup: the agency code given to the duplicated prime hypocenter and magnitude.

-dist_indicator: distance indcator. By default the distance indcator is R, can be set here.

The program converts the date and time, hypocenter location and magnitude to a simple CSV file that can be loaded into spreadsheet software. An example of a line is

2012/01/06,06:16:26.80, 76.191, 9.870, 10.0, 2.3,CBER

where the columns are date, time, latitude, longitude, depth, magnitude and magnitude type. The magnitude with type of the highest priority is selected as given by the magnitude order in SEISAN.DEF. For example ML from your agency may be given priority over MC, or you may prefer your ML over that from another angency.

NORGSE, NORDIC from and to GSE parametric format
The program (written by Mario Villagrán) converts parametric data between Nordic and GSE2 format. It can be used interactively or by giving the options as arguments. Type norgse -help to see the options.

NORHIN, From Nordic to Hypoinverse archive format
The program is started by typing norhin input-file. The output file is norhin.out. For more details, see program HYPINV. indexHYPINV

NOR2NOR2 Converts NORDIC phase readings to and from old style to new style introduced in 2021. The program is started by typing nor2nor2 or by typing
nor2nor2 -format 2 -file input-file [-aga xyz] [-ope abc]
Where if format is 1 the program converts from new format to old format, and if format is 2 the program converts from old format to new format. Using the aga flag one can add the agency id on the phase readings in the new format. Using the ope flag one can add the operator id on the phase readings in the new format. The output file is nor2nor2.out.

NOR2QML From Nordic to and from Qml. The program has many options, see below. To simplify, there are two scripts:

NOR2QML filename

QML2NOR filename

They have some fixed options so if only converting one file in working directory, they are the easiest to use.

NORHYP, From Nordic to HYPO71 format (SUN and PC)
The program is written by F. Courboulex. The program asks for the input file name and the output file name is norhyp.out.

NOTE, the program expect there to be a type 7 line for each event, else it will not output anything.

PDENOR, converting PDE bulletin file to NORDIC format
PDE distributes bulletins on e-mail, both a monthly bulletin and a weekly bulletin (different formats). The program converts one of these files to Nordic format and put the file into a standard SEISAN database called PDE for the monthly files and PDEWE for the weekly files. This database must have been created before running the program. Both CAT and S-files are made and SELECT and EEV can be used afterwards. Files can be received by email or picked up at hazards.cr.usgs.gov, dir pde for monthly files and weekly for weekly files, must be ehdf type.

Program converts between format used by “Red Sismologica de Andalucia” and a few others in Spain.

NOR2QML is an program that enables conversion of parametric data in NORDIC format into QuakeML and QuakeML to NORDIC format.

The program is described in detail in section 19.1.1.

An online NOR2QML service that enables conversion of parametric data in NORDIC format into QuakeML and QuakeML to NORDIC format is found at http://nnsn.geo.uib.no/nor2qml/

Nordic \bgroup\color{black}$\rightarrow$\egroup QuakeML
Convertsion from Nordic format to QuakeML is found at http://fnsn.geo.uib.no/seis2qml/sfile-to-quakeml.
Here one needs to select a file in Nordic format on the local harddisk, next select "UPLOAD ALL". A new window will open where one can choose QuakeML version, prefix and autority ID. Autority ID is important if the data will be made public.
Next choose "GENERATE XML".
Type in a filename for the QuakeML file that is generated and select "SAVE FILE".

QuakeML \bgroup\color{black}$\rightarrow$\egroup Nordic
Conversion from QuakeML to NORDIC format is found at http://nnsn.geo.uib.no/seis2qml/quakeml-to-sfile/web-service.
There are three options:
1: "Web-Service link" provide conversion from third party QuakeML web services. Type in the URL from a web service in the box (see "Click here for an example") and select "GENERATE".
2: "XML text" converts plain text QuakeML into Nordic format. Paste the QuakeML format into the box and select "GENERATE". In the new window enter name of output file and select "SAVE FILE", below is the Nordic format shown.
3: "XML file" converts QuakeML files the Nordic format, select a QuakeML file on the local harddisk and select "UPLOAD". In the new window enter name of output file and select "SAVE FILE", below is the Nordic format shown.

Please report bugs to the developer, Christian Rønnevik, University of Bergen.

SEIGMT, Nordic to GMT input
The program SEIGMT reads information from Nordic or compact files and writes the parametric data to files that can be used as input for GMT(Generic Mapping Tools, http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/). The user can choose a scaling for the magnitudes and also select a magnitude type order. The scaling option is useful if you wish to scale the symbol size of your epicenters with magnitude. The magnitude type order defines, which magnitude should be taken in case several magnitudes have been determined for one event. If you don't give a magnitude order, the program chooses the largest magnitude.

The files written by SEIGMT are:

gmtxy.out - event locations, to be plotted with psxy
gmtxyz.out - event locations and depths, to be plotted with psxy
gmtstxy.out - station coordinates (longitude, latitude and station code)
gmtpath.out - travel path data, to be plotted with psxy
psmeca.out - fault plane solutions, to be plotted with psmeca (Aki and Richards convention)

SELMAP, selecting a subsection of a MAP file
The program can retrieve parts of a large MAP file written in SEISAN map format. On the SEISAN web site or on the SEISAN CDROM, very detailed global mapfiles are available in SEISAN format. The file originally comes from the USGS. SELMAP can select out part of a MAP file in a latitude-longitude grid. The MAP files consist of several small segments and a segment is selected if at least one point is inside the specified grid. The program also creates an output file in xyz format for the Lomax SeismiciyViewer. The program can output a smaller number of points than available in the input file by using the parameter skip.

Converts the official global station file from USGS (comma format) or ISC global station file to SEISAN station format (same as HYPO71 format with SEISAN extension for 5 letter station codes). A list of most global stations are now found on the SEISAN CD. It seesm that the USGS format is no longer used.

USGSNOR, USGS catalog to NORDIC format
The program converts USGS CDROM hypocenters to NORDIC format. Most of the information is used. If more than 3 magnitudes are available, only the 3 first are used. The number of stations is included when available. The depth is indicated as fixed in all cases where the operator has been used (A,N,G). Macroseismic information is included with max intensity. The residual standard deviation is put into rms column. Event types are set to R. Magnitude types are converted as follows:

UK is made blank
b is replaced by B
s is replaced by S
D is replaced by C
w is replaced by W
