18.9 GET_WAV, get listing of available waveform and response files

The program uses a CAT file as input and checks for availability of all waveform files listed. For each channel, there is a check on existence of corresponding response files. A typical run is shown below:

 Where to copy files to, default . on Linux and blank on Windows

 Full path name : /net/seismo/users/jens/TD/WAV/1996-06-03-2002-18S.TEST__012
 Full path name : /net/seismo/users/jens/TD/WAV/1996-06-03-1917-52S.TEST__002
 Full path name : /net/seismo/users/jens/TD/WAV/1996-06-06-0647-46S.TEST__011
 Full path name : /net/seismo/users/jens/TD/WAV/1996-06-07-1324-51S.TEST__009
 Full path name : /net/seismo/users/jens/TD/WAV/1996-06-10-0105-42S.TEST__014
 Full path name : /net/seismo/users/jens/TD/WAV/1996-06-23-0126-27S.TEST__013
 Full path name : /net/seismo/users/jens/TD/WAV/1996-06-23-0059-47S.TEST__001
 Full path name : /net/seismo/users/jens/TD/WAV/1996-06-25-0336-34S.TEST__032 

  Total number of events 6
  Number of events without waveform files 0
  Number of waveform files 8
  Number of waveform files present 8
  Number of waveform files missing 0
  Number of cal files found 28 
  Maximum number of cal files missing 29
  Output file with events is get_wav.out  
  Output file with waveform file names is copy_wav.out
  Output file with cal files is copy_cal.out
  Output file with waveform file names missing is copy_wav_missing.out
  Output s-file with waveform file names missing is copy_wav_missing_sfile.out
  Output file with missing calibration channels is copy_cal_missing.out

The 'where to copy' option can be used to write the complete path to where files are copied. This option is only used for waveform files, not calibration files. Note: On PC the files copy_wav and copy_cal have names copy_wav.bat and copy_cal.bat, respectively

In the above example, a select.out was used. For each file, it is checked if the waveform and response files are available in the system. All waveform data bases and directories specified in SEISAN.DEF are searched. Calibration files are seached for in working directory and CAL. In order to extract the waveform files corresponding to the input CAT file, the output file copy_wav.out can be used to copy the files out of the data base to working directory. On Unix, just source the copy_wav.out file, on Windows, change the file to a .bat file (e.g. copy_get_wav.out wav.bat) and run it. For the calibration files there is similarly a file called copy_cal.out.

MSCUT chop up MiniSEED files

The program cuts up MiniSEED files into 1 hour, 15 minutes or x minutes files. Where 60 modulo x is equal to zero. Note that mscut is splitting miniseed files at block level and not at the first sample in the new minute, in order to keep the original header information. To compile the program, the miniseed library libmseed by Chad Trabant is required. The options are

-H Cut into one hour files (default)
-Q Cut into 15 min files
-D Cut into files with a duration defined by minutes
60 modulo the number of minutes must be zero.
-V Report program version
-h Show this usage message
-v Be more verbose, multiple flags can be used
-p Print details of header, multiple flags can be used
-s Print a basic summary after processing a file
-r bytes Specify record length in bytes, required if no Blockette 1000
file File of Mini-SEED records